Studies in East European Thought《东欧思想研究》(季刊). Studies in East European Thought is intended to provide a forum for Western-language (English and German) writings on philosophy and philosophers who identify with the history and cultures of East and Central Europe,including Russia,Ukraine,and the Baltic States. The editors do not advocate a program or defend a position as to the nature and limits of philosophy in its manifold interactions with other disciplines and in its role in articulating cultural values and marking intellectual dissonances. They welcome descriptive,critical,comparative,and historical studies of individuals,schools,currents,and institutions whose work and influence are widely regarded in their own environments to be philosophical or provide insight into the socio-cultural conditions of philosophical life in Eastern Europe.
杂志简称:stud e eur thought 中文译名:《东欧思想研究》 收录属性:ahci(2024版), ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:philosophy、ethics