The University of Chicago Law Review《芝加哥大学法律评论》(一年8期). The University of Chicago Law Review was first published in 1933,thirty-one years after the Law School began offering classes. Joseph Beale,the first Dean of the Law School,and William Rainey Harper,the first President of the University,wanted to establish a law review sooner. The reasons for the delay,according to a letter from Professor James Parker Hall,included the small size of the faculty,the work accompanying the organization and early operations of the Law School,and,most significantly,the cost of publication.
杂志简称:u chicago law rev 中文译名:《芝加哥大学法律评论》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:law