RLA-Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada《语言学理论及应用杂志》(半年刊). RLA,founded in 1963,is one of the oldest journals in the field of Chilean linguistics and has one of the most ample trajectories. It is published twice a year by the Spanish Department of the Arts and Humanities Faculty of the Universidad de Concepción and has as its main objective the fostering of theoretical and applied linguistic research in academic areas on both the national and international level. It is aimed at researchers,linguists,phonoaudiologists,academics and readers in general in both the national and international scientific communities (Latin America,Europe,USA).RLA has as its main objective the fostering of linguistic research in the fields of theoretical and applied linguistics on the national as well as international level. The works appearing in RLA are unpublished manuscripts coming from the diverse areas of theoretical or applied linguistic research,preferentially written in Spanish or other languages such as English,Italian,French or Portuguese.