Research on Language and Social Interaction《语言与社会互动研究》(季刊). The journal publishes the highest quality empirical and theoretical research bearing on language as it is used in interaction.Researchers in communication,discourse analysis,conversation analysis,linguistic anthropology,and ethnography are likely to be the most active contributors,but we welcome submission of articles from the broad range of interaction researchers.Published papers will normally involve the close analysis of naturally-occurring interaction. The journal is also open to theoretical essays and to quantitative studies where these are tied closely to the results of naturalistic observation.
杂志简称:res lang soc interac 中文译名:《语言与社会互动研究》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:communication、linguistics、psychology, social