JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH《妇女健康杂志》(月刊)。Journal of Womens Health is the primary source of information for meeting the challenges of providing optimal health care for women throughout their lifespan. The Journal delivers cutting-edge advancements in diagnostic procedures,therapeutic protocols for the management of diseases,and innovative research in gender-based biology that impacts patient care and treatment.

杂志简称:j womens health
收录属性:ssci(2024版), scie(2024版), 英文期刊,
投稿方向:public, environmental & occupational health、women’s studies



出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1540-9996/EISSN 1931-843X

杂志官网 联系方式





Submitting Your Manuscript

Journal of Women's Health carries a manuscript processing charge* of $49.00 USD upon submission of each new manuscript. Upon payment, you will be provided with a Manuscript Submission Code, and will be prompted to enter this information when uploading your files to our peer-review system. Please note: Securing a token does not automatically create an account in our peer-review system. If you do not already have an account, you will be asked to create one before you can begin your submission.

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Use of English Language

All submissions must be in English. Appropriate use of English is a requirement for review and publication in Journal of Women's Health. To support non-native speakers, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., has partnered with Editage to provide language editing and translation services for a fee prior to official submission. To learn more about the services, please visit the Liebert Author Services website. Please note that employing the use of such services is not mandatory and using it, or any other language editing service, does not guarantee the acceptance of any paper. All submissions are subject to peer review.

Manuscript Submission Site

Create an Account in ScholarOne

If you do not already have an account in ScholarOne for Journal of Women’s Health, you will need to create one. Once you create your account, you may log in to the system to begin your submission. Each listed author on a submission must either have an account, or have one created, in the submission system.



Check the Journal’s PEER REVIEW POLICIES

Manuscript Preparation

Determining Authorship


All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript. All authors and co-authors should have taken part in writing the manuscript, reviewing it, and revising its intellectual and technical content. Any author whose name appears on a manuscript assumes responsibility and accountability for the results.

Submission Process


All Original submissions must contain:

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval (or waiver) statement in the Methods section

Acknowledgments section (if applicable) after the Conclusion of the manuscript, followed by

An Author Contribution statement for each listed author, followed by

An Author Disclosure Statement for each author listed on a submission, even if there are no conflicts to disclose, followed by,

Funding statement(s), even if there is no funding information to declare.




All manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.

When submitting your manuscript for peer review, be prepared to:

Enter the full title of the manuscript

Enter the full names and institutional affiliations of ALL listed authors

Enter ALL listed authors' institutional email addresses

Identify the corresponding author

Enter a running (abbreviated) title of no more than 45 characters (including spaces).

Enter 3–6 keywords or phrases.

Provide a structured abstract of no more than 250 words, stating the background, methods, results (including the sample size), and conclusions drawn from the study.

Provide the names and email addresses of at least five potential preferred reviewers familiar with the field. Please make sure preferred reviewers are not from your university or institution or with whom you have collaborated. Anyone whom the author does not want to be considered should also be named as a non-preferred reviewer. Ultimate reviewer selection is at the Editor’s discretion.

Confirm that the material has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Create an Effective Title

Manuscript titles should be brief, contain key terms, and clearly identify the purpose of the work conducted

Manuscript titles should not exceed 15 -18 words. Exceptions can be made with the Editor’s approval

Manuscript titles should be direct and to the point. Remember that the journal has a global readership, so clear and concise non-vernacular language is most effective

Avoid the use of specific locations in the title

Do not use proprietary/trademarked names in the title

Do not use acronyms in the title unless they are universally recognized and accepted

NOTE: The title page of your submission must be included as part of your main text document (not as a separate file).

File Naming

All file names should be in English and contain only alphanumeric characters. Do not include spaces, symbols, special characters, dashes, dots, or underscores. Label each file with the first author's last name, followed by the content of the file (i.e.: SmithText; SmithTables; SmithFigureLegends; SmithFig1, etc.)

Important: Please upload individual files of all manuscript material as described herein — please do NOT upload a combined PDF file containing all material in your submission.

Preparation of Manuscript

Prepare text of manuscripts, figure legends, and tables in Microsoft Word, double spaced. The order of elements in each manuscript should be:

Title page (with full manuscript title, all contributing authors and their affiliations, a short running title, a denotation of the corresponding author, and a list of 3-6 keywords)


Main text (do not embed figures or tables)

Conclusion (as a separate paragraph, not as part of the Discussion section)

Acknowledgments (if applicable)

Authorship confirmation statement (see below)

Author(s’) disclosure statement(s) (see below)

Funding statement (see below)


Figure legends


Supplemental Information (if applicable); NOTE: Supplemental Information will not be copyedited or typeset; it will be posted online as supplied.)

Manuscript Text

Maximum word count for original articles should not exceed 4,000 words. In general, the text should be organized under the headings: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions. Use only standard abbreviations, which can be found in the AMA’s Manual of Style for Authors & Editors or the Council of Biology Editors Style Manual, 10/e. At first usage, spell out terms and provide abbreviations in parentheses. Thereafter, use only the abbreviations. It is not necessary to spell out standard units of measure. Use generic names for drugs if possible. If you wish to use a proprietary drug name the first time it appears, use the generic name followed by the proprietary name, manufacturer, and location in parentheses.


References must be prepared in word, double spaced, and numbered consecutively as they are cited in the text (using superscript numbers). Include the reference section as part of the main text file, not as a separate file. References appearing for the first time in tables and figures must be numbered in sequence with those cited in the text where the table or figure is mentioned. Use journal abbreviations as provided by PubMed/Medline. List all authors when there are six or fewer. When there are more than six, list the first three, followed by et al. If references to personal communications or unpublished data are used, they are not to be in the list of references. They should be referred to in the text in parentheses: (AB Jones, personal communication). Include among the references any articles that have been accepted but have not yet published; identify the name of publication and add "In Press." If the reference has been published online, provide the DOI number in place of the page range. The maximum number of references may not exceed 100.

Sample style for references:

Journal article:

Li J, Hovey KM, Andrews CA, et al. Association of dietary magnesium intake with fatal coronary heart disease and sudden cardiac death. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2020;29:7-12.


Maas AHEM, Bairey Merz CN, eds. Manual of Gynecardiology: Female-Specific Cardiology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017.

Chapter in a book:

Pedersen LR. Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention in women. In: Maas AHEM, Bairey Merz CN, eds. Manual of Gynecardiology: Female-Specific Cardiology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017; pp. 167-181.

Figure Legends

Figure legends should be uploaded as a separate Word file and double spaced. In the legend, provide explanations for any abbreviations, arrows, etc. that appear in the figure. If the illustration is taken from a copyrighted publication, permission must be secured, appropriate credit must be given in the legend, and a corresponding reference must appear in the reference section.


All tables should be prepared in one single Word file. Provide a title for each table. Cite tables in sequence in the text. Explain abbreviations used in the body of the table in footnotes. If the table is taken from a copyrighted publication, permission must be secured, appropriate credit must be given in the legend, and a corresponding reference must appear in the reference section.


Submission of high resolution .TIFF or .EPS figure files is strongly recommended

Figures should not be embedded within the manuscript file.

Cite figures consecutively in text within parentheses.

A legend should be supplied for each figure and all legends numbered consecutively.

Images should not show the name of a patient or a manufacturer.

Do not include any illustrations as part of your text file.

Correspondence Address

Following the references, provide the name and complete affiliation and institutional email address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent.

Manuscript Revisions

Processing charges and submission codes are NOT required for revisions to previously submitted manuscripts. To upload a revision of a manuscript, the submitting author should log in to their Author Center and click on “Revised Manuscripts in Draft.” All revised submissions will be required to meet all formatting conditions described herein. Submissions that do not satisfy these requirements will be un-submitted and returned to the submitting author for proper configuration.

Journal Policies on:

Licensing Information: OPEN ACCESS and Copyright

Data Sharing and Preprint Policies

Post-Acceptance and Post-Publication Policies

Correction Statements / Retractions

Reprints, Permissions, & Social Media Use

Plagiarism Detection Software

Definitions of Scientific Misconduct

Responding to Allegations of Scientific Misconduct

Press Embargo Policy

Publication Costs

Archiving and Preservation

Publisher Information

For questions regarding manuscript submissions, contact our Author Services Division.

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