Health Care for Women International《国际女性保健》(月刊). Health Care for Women International is a critically acclaimed,international publication that provides a unique interdisciplinary approach to health care and related topics that concern women around the globe. Published twelve times a year,Health Care for Women International includes the newest research,theories,and issues in the fields of public health,social science,health care practice,and health care policy. Scholars and practitioners address topics such as cultural differences,alternative lifestyles,domestic violence,public health issues associated with the aging of the population,maternal morbidity and mortality,infectious diseases,and a host of other gender-based ethical issues.
杂志简称:health care women in 中文译名:《国际女性保健》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:public, environmental & occupational health、 women’s studies 公共及环境与职业健康、女性研究