杂志简称:res gerontol nurs
收录属性:ssci(2024版), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
出版周期:双月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1940-4921/EISSN 1938-2464
杂志官网 联系方式
Why submit to Research in Gerontological Nursing?
The premier journal for geriatric nurse researchers
Indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, and other major databases
2019 Impact Factor: 0.930
Average time from submission to decision: 55 days
Average time from acceptance to online publication: 61 days
Submit an Article Guidelines updated July 2020
Authors wishing to submit a manuscript to Research in Gerontological Nursing should refer to the following:
Information for Authors
Author Form
Editorial Manager Manuscript Submission (outside link)
Manuscript Preparation
SLACK Author Services
Scholarly Uses of Journal Articles
Public Access Policy for Non-Open Access Articles
Author Form
At manuscript submission, each author must complete and submit the form below. This combined Author Statement-ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest addresses copyright transmittal and any relevant disclosures.
Interactive Author Statement-ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest (interactive PDF – preferred)
Download the form to your computer.
Open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader, fill it out, and then save it to your computer.
Upload the form with your manuscript submission in Editorial Manager.
Note. Mac/Safari and Chrome users may have difficulty using the interactive form. These authors should use the Noninteractive Form, which must be printed, completed, and then scanned and uploaded with your manuscript submission in Editorial Manager.
Information for Authors
Journal Description and Mission
Research in Gerontological Nursing is a forum for disseminating peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, cutting-edge gerontological nursing research and theory to investigators, educators, academicians, clinicians, and policymakers involved with older adults in all health care settings. The Journal accepts manuscripts reporting research, theory, integrative and systematic reviews, instrument development, and research methods with the aims of improving the wellness and quality of care of the older adult population. Theory papers should advance gerontological knowledge, and integrative reviews should provide an analysis of the state of the science and provide direction for future research.
The Journal offers an author-friendly approach from submission through publication. Research in Gerontological Nursing adheres to the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (2019) of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Authorship Criteria and Responsibilities
Criteria for authorship include contribution to:
Conception and design, or
Data collection, or
Analysis and interpretation
Writing the manuscript, or
Critical revision of the manuscript
All individuals identified as authors should meet the necessary criteria for authorship listed above, and all individuals who meet the criteria should be identified as authors. Those who do not meet the necessary criteria should be acknowledged (see Acknowledgments). Any issues related to authorship must be resolved before the manuscript is submitted to the Journal.
Authors should be accountable for the portions of the manuscript to which they have contributed. They should also have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of all other authors. All authors should have read the final manuscript prior to submission and be aware of its submission to the Journal.
One author must be identified as the corresponding author, who is responsible for (1) ensuring all authors meet the authorship criteria and complete the required Author Statement-ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest; (2) submitting the manuscript to the Journal and serving as the main contact during the review process; and (3) performing any related activities if the manuscript is accepted, such as reviewing proofs of the edited manuscript and answering editorial queries. The corresponding author will be identified as the primary contact in the published article.
Order of authorship must be determined and agreed upon by all authors before manuscript submission. Any disagreements should be resolved before submitting the manuscript. Changes in authorship (ie, order, addition, and/or deletion of authors) must be approved by all authors. Requests for changes in authorship after initial manuscript submission and before publication are required in writing (email preferred) signed by all authors.
Any individuals who contributed to the manuscript but do not meet the necessary criteria for authorship should be acknowledged. Acknowledgments should be limited to those who helped extensively, such as providing statistical help, essential equipment, or translating references.
Copyright Transfer
Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they have not been previously published (in print or online) and are not under simultaneous consideration by another publication. Accepted manuscripts become the permanent property of the Journal and will not be published until the Author Statement-ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest has been completed in full by each author.
If a submitted manuscript has been previously posted in an open access repository (e.g., a dissertation or thesis posted in an open access university repository), the submitted manuscript must be unique and have less than 50% overlap with the posted paper.
Competing/Conflicting Interests and Sponsorship
If any author has a competing or conflicting interest in the subject matter of the manuscript, this must be indicated. If the manuscript discusses in any way a drug, a device, equipment, or an instrument, the authors must state whether or not they have any commercial or proprietary interest in the product or company. All reported competing interests are clearly indicated on all published articles.
If applicable, authors should describe the role of the study sponsor, if any, in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication. If the supporting source had no such involvement, the authors should so state. If applicable, authors must declare whether they had assistance with study design, data collection, data analysis, or manuscript preparation. If the manuscript reports on a registered clinical trial and has been assigned a trial registration number from a public trials registry, authors should provide this information.
Human Subjects Protection and Protection of Identifiable Subjects
Reports of studies involving human subjects must indicate procedures for the protection of their rights, informed consent, as well as Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.
If subjects’ personal details are provided, measures should be taken to protect subjects’ identity. If photographs are submitted with a manuscript, permission to publish must be obtained in writing from all individuals pictured. Measures to conceal the identity of an individual in a photograph, such as placing black bars over the person’s eyes, should not be used.
Manuscript Preparation
General Guidelines
Manuscripts should be prepared following the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (2020). Pages must be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
Note. Changes between the 6th and 7th editions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association are summarized here.
To ensure blind review, do not include citations associated with the submitted or previous work that could identify the authors; instead, use (Author & Co-authors, Year). Published, submitted, or in press articles by the authors on the same topic should be disclosed to assure no potential duplication.
IMPORTANT! Manuscript files uploaded for review should NOT include any of the authors' names or institutional affiliations to facilitate blind peer review. Files MUST include continuous page and line numbers.
Manuscript titles should be concise, specific, and informative, and contain the key points of the work. Overly general titles, as well as questions and declarative sentences, should be avoided.
Use of abbreviations should be limited to those that are commonly understood without explanation. All abbreviations must be spelled out at first mention in the text. Pharmaceuticals should be referred to by their generic names.
While the Journal does not specify particular items in the CONSORT checklist that are mandatory for inclusion in the manuscript (e.g., Flow Diagram is not required), the CONSORT website may be helpful. PRISMA guidelines may be helpful to those authors planning to report a systematic review or meta-analysis. COREQ guidelines may be useful to authors reporting qualitative research using interviews or focus groups.
References should emphasize the most recent and relevant works, and must adhere to the style specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition (2020). Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references, particularly author names and page numbers.
Names of journals should conform to PubMed/MEDLINE. The titles of those journals that are not listed in PubMed/MEDLINE must be provided in full. Journal titles should be cited as they existed at the time of publication.
Figures, Photos, and Illustrations
Each figure must be numbered and cited consecutively in the text.
Permissions: Drawings or computer-generated images submitted with a manuscript require permission to publish from the artist. Authors must disclose whether any figures or tables have been previously published; such materials must be accompanied by a letter of permission from the publisher, which extends non-exclusive worldwide rights to reprint the material for all forms of media now or hereafter developed to SLACK Incorporated. Content from U.S. government websites (eg, NIH, CDC, USDHHS) is in the public domain and generally can be used without permission. However, some content on these sites may be from another source, in which case permission must be obtained from the copyright holder. In case studies involving actual people, their written release is required.
Legends: The legend should be a brief description that allows the figure to be fully understood. Legends, headings, or captions should not be included within the image files, and instead should be provided in the manuscript files.
Digital Requirements: Digital images should be high resolution (at least 300 dpi) and saved in JPEG or TIFF format. Image files should be uploaded separately from manuscript text files. Images embedded in Word files and PowerPoint® slides are not acceptable.
Each table must be numbered and cited consecutively in the text and should have a short descriptive title. Abbreviations used in tables that are not commonly understood terms should be explained in a legend. Material that is in the tables should not be repeated in the text.
Manuscript Types and Requirements
The Journal publishes reports of research, theory, and instrument development; integrative and systematic reviews; major experimental/quasi-experimental studies; qualitative studies; and study protocols, as well as Research Briefs and Focus on Methods.
Research Briefs are reports of small-scale studies (e.g., pilot work, feasibility studies) that may stimulate further study or alert other investigators to work in progress. Focus on Methods papers describe challenges and solutions to conducting and/or analyzing gerontological research. Papers that provide new information on cutting-edge research methods or provide solutions relevant to conducting gerontological research are encouraged.
Reports of intervention studies are welcomed, and applicable articles may be highlighted as Featured Intervention Studies at publication. Interventions details should specify the active components of the intervention. Providing information on the dosing frequency or dose of the intervention, the setting for delivering the intervention, and interventionist qualifications is encouraged. We encourage all authors to provide more lengthy descriptions of interventions, training manuals, and fidelity protocols, which will be available to readers as online content. It is requested that descriptions of interventions provide enough detail for replication or translation to practice.
All manuscripts must include an APA-style abstract of approximately 150 words with a focus on findings and conclusions. Abstracts of intervention studies may be approximately 200 words and should contain four bolded subheadings: Targets, Intervention Description, Mechanisms of Action, and Outcomes. Targets specify the central focus of the intervention (i.e., the individual, caregiver, environment or health care system [e.g.. older adults with type II diabetes, family caregivers of people following stroke]). Under the Intervention Description subheading, the active components of the intervention should be specified. The Mechanisms of Action should describe the hypothesized or evidence-based changes that occur as a result of receiving the intervention and that effect specific outcomes. Outcomes refer to the specific effects that are being measured in the study and are hypothesized to result from the intervention. References should emphasize the most recent and relevant works.
Study Protocol Submission Guidelines
To improve the standards and transparency of research in gerontological health care, Research in Gerontological Nursing will publish study protocols of major funded prospective clinical research studies that have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and have not completed participant recruitment at the time of submission. Study protocols for pilot or feasibility studies will not be considered. Preference will be given to submissions describing clinical trials, long-term studies, and those likely to make a new and significant contribution to the field.
The SPIRIT guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the content of a clinical trial protocol. Due to space restrictions, the Journal requires only the information outlined below in the manuscript. Additional content in the SPIRIT guidelines may be submitted at the discretion of the authors for online publication only.
Trial registration
Include the trial identifier and registry name
Include significance, evidence to support the intervention, and expected mechanisms of action
Provide citations for the major preliminary studies that inform the study
Briefly describe results of a feasibility or pilot study that directly informs the current study
Purpose, Aims, or Hypotheses
Design, including blinding and random allocation information.
Setting and sample with inclusion and exclusion criteria.
IRB approval and registration number for ClinicalTrials.gov or another registry.
Start and end dates for the study and name of the funding agency.
Describe intervention and control conditions in sufficient detail to allow replication, including how and when administered. Include fidelity plans, any criteria for modifying or discontinuing the intervention, and any relevant care that is either permitted or prohibited during the trial.
Measurement plan, including a description of primary, secondary, and other outcomes and measurement instruments. Include timing of measures and strategies to promote data quality. Report plans for assessing adverse events and unintended effects.
Procedures. Briefly describe procedures, recruitment, and retention plans.
Data analysis plan and power. Briefly describe the analytic plan and power considerations.
Data and Safety Monitoring Board or Plan. State whether a Board or Plan is used and briefly describe the primary monitoring responsibilities.
Summarize significance of the study and dissemination plan
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted via Editorial Manager®. Authors should contact the editorial office with questions regarding the submission process.