Population,Space and Place《人口、空间和地点》(一年8期). Population,Space and Place aims to be the leading English-language research journal in the field of population geography and in geographical population studies. This implies all submitted papers should have a geographical or spatial component. It intends to:Inform population researchers of the best theoretical and empirical research on topics related to population,space and place;Promote and further enhance the international standing of population research through the exchange of views on what constitutes best research practice;Facilitate debate on issues of policy relevance and encouragesi the widest possible discussion and dissemination of the applications of research on populations;Review and evaluate the significance of recent research findings and provide an international platform where researchers can discuss the future course of population research;Provide a forum for population researchers to assess and apply philosophical and methodological developments in the social and behavioural sciences;Encourage quantitative,qualitative and mixed methods approaches to population research
杂志简称:popul space place 中文译名:《人口、空间和地点》 收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t2), ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:demography、geography