Journal of Contemporary Asia《当代亚洲杂志》(一年5期). Journal of Contemporary Asia is an established refereed publication,it appears quarterly and has done so since 1970. When the journal was established,it was conceived as providing an alternative to mainstream perspectives on contemporary Asian issues. The journal maintains this tradition and seeks to publish articles that deal with the broad problems of economic,political and social development of Asia. Articles on economic development issues,political economy,agriculture,planning,the working class,people’s movements,politics and power,imperialism and empire,international financial institutions,the environment,and economic history are especially welcomed. The journal also has a strong interest in the scientific development of theory that is of global significance,especially on the role of the state,class analysis,power and globalisation.
杂志简称:j contemp asia 中文译名:《当代亚洲杂志》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:area studies