Critical Arts-South-North Cultural and Media Studies《批判艺术:南北文化和媒介研究》(双月刊). From its inception,Critical Arts examined the relationship between texts and contexts,cultural formations and popular forms of expression,mainly in the Third World,but after the 1994 transition in South Africa Critical Arts repositioned itself in the South-North and East-West nexus focusing on developing transdisciplinary epistemologies. Critical Arts authors are Africans debating Africa with the rest; and the rest debating Africa and the South and with each other.
杂志简称:crit arts 中文译名:《批判艺术、南北文化和媒介研究》 收录属性:ahci(2024版), ssci(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:cultural studies