Adolescent Research Review《青少年研究评论》(季刊). Adolescent Research Review publishes articles that review important contributions to the understanding of adolescence. The Review draws from the many subdisciplines of developmental science,psychological science,education,criminology,public health,medicine,social work,and other allied disciplines that address the subject of youth and adolescence. The editors are especially interested in articles that bridge gaps between disciplines or that focus on topics that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. Reviews must be cutting edge and comprehensive in the way they advance science,practice or policy relating to adolescents.
杂志简称:adolesc res rev 中文译名:《青少年研究评论》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:psychology, developmental、 social sciences, interdisciplinary