Social Research《社会研究》(季刊). Social Research has its origins in the New Schools historic effort to provide intellectuals safe haven as the Nazis began to threaten Jewish scholars prior to the onset of WWII. This group of rescued scholars,known as the University in Exile,launched Social Research: An International Quarterly of the Political and Social Sciences in 1934 on the core conviction that every true university must have its own distinct public voice. Today,that profound voice resonates in each issue,as multidisciplinary scholars,writers,and experts take on contentious social issues,countries in transition,and phenomena that seem ripe for exploration. Periodic special issues are devoted to the proceedings of the journals renowned conferences at the New School.
杂志简称:soc res 中文译名:《社会研究》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:social sciences, interdisciplinary