Evaluation and Program Planning《评估与项目规划》(双月刊). Evaluation and Program Planning is based on the principle that the techniques and methods of evaluation and planning transcend the boundaries of specific fields and that relevant contributions to these areas come from people representing many different positions,intellectual traditions,and interests. In order to further the development of evaluation and planning,we publish articles from the private and public sectors in a wide range of areas: organizational development and behavior,training,planning,human resource development,health and mental wellbeing,social services,corrections,substance abuse,and education. The primary goals of the journal are to assist evaluators and planners to improve the practice of their professions,to develop their skills and to improve their knowledge base.
杂志简称:eval program plann 中文译名:《评估与项目规划》 收录属性:ssci(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:social sciences, interdisciplinary 跨学科社会科学