Gender,Work & Organization《性别、工作与组织》(双月刊). Launched in 1994,Gender,Work & Organization was the first journal to provide an arena dedicated to debate and analysis of gender relations,the organization of gender and the gendering of organizations. Since then Gender,Work & Organization has published multi-disciplinary,high quality qualitative empirical research on gendered power relations and identities in the study of work and organization exploring issues of inclusion and exclusion. It has also published quantitative work guided by critical epistemologies on issues such as the gender pay gap,flexible work,career patterns,women on boards and access to leadership positions.
杂志简称:gender work organ 中文译名:《性别、工作与组织》 收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t2), ssci(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:management、 women’s studies 管理、女性研究