Clinical Science《临床科学》(可官网投稿)

Clinical Science《临床科学》(半月刊). Clinical Science, published by Portland Press on behalf of the Biochemical Society, is a single-blind peer-reviewed hybrid journal offering the option to publish open access (OA). The Biochemical Society is the UK’s largest single-discipline learned society, promoting the advancement of molecular bioscience; Portland Press is the publishing arm of the Biochemical Society, with all profits being returned to the Society for them to carry out their charitable endeavours.

杂志简称:clin sci
收录属性:scie(2024版), 英文期刊,
投稿方向:医学、medicine, research & experimental 医学、研究与实验

Clinical Science《临床科学》


出版周期:半月刊 地区:英国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0143-5221;EISSN1470-8736

杂志官网 联系方式

传真:+44 (0)20 7685 2469



Instructions to Authors

Paper types

Clinical Science will consider submission of the following paper types:

Research Papers– the normal form of publication, of approximately 6-8 printed pages

Guidelines on sections/article structure requirements:

The main text should include: Introduction, Experimental (Materials and Methods), Results and Discussion.

The ‘Materials and Methods’ section is included in the main text file and not provided as a supplementary file. All details needed to replicate the experiment must be included in the main text of the accepted article.

Clinical Perspectives (required section): Please include and clearly indicate a ‘Clinical Perspectives’ summary section within the main text of your manuscript. This section should be structured as three bullet-pointed sentences, indicating the following:

Background as to why the study was undertaken

A brief summary of the results

The potential significance of the results to human health and disease

As of 5 October 2020, all research papers submitted to the Biochemical Society’s research journals will require a Data Availability Statement to be included upon submission. Please ensure this statement is included within your main manuscript file. This section should be placed immediately after the Conclusions, within the main manuscript text. This Data Availability Statement should indicate to the reader where data associated with the paper are available and how to access (including links, where applicable, to the online dataset). If data sharing is not applicable to the paper, for any reason, please indicate this and explain why this is the case. Any restrictions on the availability of materials or information must be disclosed to the Journal at the time of submission. If your research/submission cannot comply with the data type specific deposit requirements, or if you require data to be deposited following an embargo period, please write to the Editorial Office in the first instance. For more information on Data Availability Statements, please visit our Data Policy page. Please contact the Editorial Office if you have any questions.

To support our authors and to encourage the transparency and reproducibility of supporting data, Portland Press has partnered with Figshare to provide journal-specific data repositories where datasets can be published free of charge when linked to an article published in one of our participating research journals. The Portal is available here , please see our Data Policy page for more information.

Review articles– normally commissioned, although non-commissioned reviews will be considered for publication. Prospective authors should contact the Editorial Office providing a short summary of the area they propose to cover or a draft of their article if available. Please note that meta-analyses, systematic and bibliographical reviews are not considered for publication by the journal.

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

Reviews are usually 6,000-8,000 words and should include at least one figure. If you would like a shorter review to be considered, please contact the Editorial Office in the first instance. There is no limit on the number of references included. Review articles should be of broad interest and provide a balanced overview of the field. The use of main headings and subheadings to guide readers is encouraged.

Commentaries– normally commissioned; used to highlight and put into context a published research article, although non-commissioned commentaries can be considered. Prospective authors should contact the Editorial Office providing a short summary of the area they propose to cover.

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

Commentaries should be approx. 1500 words in length, with approx. 15-20 references and inclusion of at least one figure is encouraged.

Editorials– commissioned only

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

Variable length, but usually short (can be less than 1000 words) with approx. 15-20 references and inclusion of at least one figure is encouraged.

Perspectives and Opinions- normally commissioned. Perspectives should cover a personal viewpoint of the field, provide a balanced summary of the current thinking (challenges and controversies), and comment on emerging and future directions of the field or research. Content can include (but is not limited to) trends, techniques and ethical issues.

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

Perspectives should be 2000-4000 words in length and can include figures.

Correspondence/Comments/Letters to the Editor

Correspondence pieces should be informative and proactive. Any correspondence piece received by the journal regarding a published paper will be sent to the authors of said paper for a response prior to further assessment by the journal.

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

There is no set length or format for correspondence.


Hypothesis papers are often commissioned, but non-commissioned papers are also considered. They should clearly set out the hypothesis to be tested at the beginning of the article, and then go on to prove/disprove the hypothesis in the rest of the paper.

Guidelines on length/ article structure requirements:

Hypothesis articles can vary in length, but are often approx. 3000-4000 words

To prepare your paper for submission, please refer to the Publishing Life Cycle for guidance on:

what to include in your main text

preparing your figures

use of nomenclature

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