Trends in Molecular Medicine《分子医学发展趋势》(月刊). Trends in Molecular Medicine objective is to provide concise and contextualized views on the latest research moving biomedical science closer to improved diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human diseases. As such, TMM is dedicated to research disciplines at the interface between basic biology and clinical research. Articles cover new concepts in mechanisms of human biology and pathology with clear implications for diagnostics and therapy. Bridging bench and bedside, reviews published in TMM have clear implications for human health and disease and discuss not only preclinical studies but also research conducted on patient samples, first-in-man studies, and patient-enrolled trials. The major themes covered in TMM in include: Disease mechanisms Tools and technologies Diagnostics Therapeutics
杂志简称:trends mol med 中文译名:《分子医学发展趋势》 收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:医学、medicine, research & experimental医学、研究与实验、biochemistry & molecular biology生化与分子生物学、cell biology细胞生物学