Potential Analysis《势分析》(一年8期). The journal publishes original papers dealing with potential theory and its applications, probability theory, geometry and functional analysis and in particular estimations of the solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations; analysis of semi-groups, resolvent kernels, harmonic spaces and Dirichlet forms; Markov processes, Markov kernels, stochastic differential equations, diffusion processes and Levy processes; analysis of diffusions, heat kernels and resolvent kernels on fractals; infinite dimensional analysis, Gaussian analysis, analysis of infinite particle systems, of interacting particle systems, of Gibbs measures, of path and loop spaces; connections with global geometry, linear and non-linear analysis on Riemannian manifolds, Lie groups, graphs, and other geometric structures; non-linear or semilinear generalizations of elliptic or parabolic equations and operators; harmonic analysis, ergodic theory, dynamical systems; boundary value problems, Martin boundaries, Poisson boundaries, etc.