杂志简称:int j med mushrooms
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:医学、mycology 真菌学、pharmacology & pharmacy 药学
出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
杂志官网 联系方式
International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms
Submission of Review Article: Manuscripts are to be sent in duplicate to:
Mrs. Katherina Tsukor
Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, International Centre of Cryptogamic Plants and Fungi, Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel. Telephone: 972-4-8-249-218, Fax: 972-4-8-288-197, E-mail: spwasser@research.haifa.ac.il
Receipt is acknowledged. The editor will inform authors of the editor's decision and of any action to be taken on the manuscript as soon as possible. Proof corrections must be made within 48 hours and should be limited to typographical errors
Articles must be concise, clear, and fluent. English should be checked by a native English speaker, spelling should conform consistently to the American form.
Print the entire manuscript double spaced (including references, tables, and figure legends); 26 lines per page of 210-297 mm. Leave margins of 55 mm (left) and 15 to 25 mm (right). Type in lowercase with uppercase only where required by grammar or convention (initials, symbols, acronyms, formulae, abbreviations). Do not break words at the end of a line. Organize the manuscript as follows: title page, abstract, key words, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, legends to figures, figures.
Manuscript Style: Manuscripts should be written with 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, with pages numbered consecutively throughout. DOC or RTF are preferred formats. The manuscript should contain the following parts:
Title page: A full title (preferably not exceeding 80 characters), authors, affiliations, short title (less than 40 characters), and corresponding author information.
Abstract: Try to keep within 250 words.
Text: The main text body should be divided into relevant headings and subheadings.
Tables: Tables should be used only when they can present information more effectively than can be done in running text. Avoid any arrangement that unduly increases the depth of a table, column heads should be as brief as possible, use abbreviations liberally. Lines of data should not be numbered nor run numbers given unless those numbers are needed for reference in the text.
Illustrations: Figures should be numbered in series, and all legends should be typed double spaced and placed at the end of the text file. All figures should be called out in the text in numerical order. Figures should be supplied in a separate file or in individual files. Symbols used in figures (open or closed circles, triangles, squares, etc.) and lettering of labels should be sized for optimum reproduction but should not exceed the size of the journal pages (size requirements can be obtained by emailing journals@begellhouse.com). Color reproduction of figures is possible at the author's expense, rates will be provided upon request.