杂志简称:b aust math soc
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t3), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
出版周期:双月刊 地区:澳大利亚
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0004-9727;EISSN 1755-1633
杂志官网 联系方式
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
Author Guidelines
To submit articles to the Bulletin, authors must first be registered with our journal management system (OJS, standing for "Open Journal Systems") as both readers and authors. The form to register with the Bulletin is at http://journal.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ Bulletin/user/register
Articles should be prepared in LaTeX using AmS-LaTeX packages and submitted as a PDF file via our journal management system. This permits authors to track their papers through the editorial process. Recent versions of TeX (see the TeX Users Group) are able to produce PDF files directly. A LaTeX class file, a BibTeX style, and a template for submissions are available for download:
Authors who need assistance may email the secretary of the Bulletin at editor@bulletin.austms.org.au.
The Bulletin will request the LaTeX source code when the article has been accepted for publication or, in some cases, prior to peer review.
Authors are advised to keep copies of all files of the submitted article; the Bulletin will not accept responsibility for any loss.
1. References
Arrange references alphabetically (by surname of the first author) and cite them numerically in the text. Ensure the references are quoted accurately, and use the standard abbreviations for journal names prepared by the American Mathematical Society (these are available each year in Mathematical Reviews or from the Mathematical Reviews Resources page at the American Mathematical Society's web site). Include in the list of references only those works cited, and avoid citing works which are in preparation or submitted. Where the work cited is not readily accessible (for example, a preprint) a copy of the article should be included with your submission.
2. Abstracts
Each paper must include an abstract of not more than 200 words, which should contain a brief but informative summary of the contents of the paper, but no inessential details.
The abstract should be self-contained, but may refer to the title.
Specific references (by number) to a section, proposition, equation or bibliographical item should be avoided.
3. Subject Classification and Key Words
Authors should include a few key words and phrases, and a single primary and one or more secondary classification numbers, following the American Mathematical Society 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification. Find details of this scheme in the Annual Index of recent issues of Mathematical Reviews, or from the Mathematics Subject Classification page at the American Mathematical Society's web site.
4. Abstracts of Ph.D. Theses
The Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society publishes Abstracts of Australasian Ph.D. Theses. The abstract submitted to the Bulletin may be the abstract included in the thesis itself. However, the Bulletin will accept abstracts of up to three pages, which may include references. All the mathematical sciences are covered, including pure and applied mathematics, probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical physics, and mathematical computer science.
Ph.D. students should provide a PDF and a LaTeX file of their abstract. These should be sent through the Bulletin's online submission system (see above). To submit an abstract, you must first register as both a reader and an author. Apart from the abstract itself, the Bulletin needs the following information:
the name of the university awarding the degree;
the name(s) of the supervisor(s);
documentation, e.g., a written statement from the university or the supervisor, that the degree has been approved;
the month of submission;
the date of approval of the degree (which is usually well before the degree is formally conferred);
appropriate 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification number(s).
Sometimes there is a form inside the thesis with most of the above information on it; a scanned copy of this is very useful. Publication is fast, usually within nine months of the approval of the degree. Abstracts must usually be received within six months of the approval of the degree.
If you need assistance, please email the secretary of the Bulletin at editor@bulletin. austms.org.au