Ars mathematica contemporanea《当代数学艺术》(季刊). Ars mathematica contemporanea will publish high-quality articles in contemporary mathematics that arise from the discrete and concrete mathematics paradigm. It will favor themes that combine at least two different fields of mathematics. In particular, we welcome papers intersecting discrete mathematics with other branches of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, topology, theoretical computer science, and combinatorics. The name of the journal was chosen carefully. Symmetry is certainly a theme that is quite welcome to the journal, as it is through symmetry that mathematics comes closest to art. The name emphasizes that work, skill and art (three possible translations of the word ars, as exemplified by the well known proverbs “;;;;;Ars longa vita brevis”;;;;; and “;;;;;Ars sine sciencia nihil est”;;;;;) are necessary to produce good contemporary mathematics, and that applications and connections should encompass a large variety – including art.
杂志简称:ars math contemp 中文译名:《当代数学艺术》 收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:数学、mathematics数学、mathematics, applied应用数学