杂志简称:virus evolution
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:医学、virology 病毒学
出版周期:半年刊 地区:英国
杂志官网 联系方式
Santiago Elena
Santiago Elena, – santiago.elena@uv.es
Oliver Pybus
Oliver Pybus, – oliver.pybus@zoo.ox.ac.uk
Senior Editors
Aris Katzourakis
UK (Section 1)
Aris Katzourakis, – aris.katzourakis@zoo.ox.ac.uk
Marilyn Roossinck
USA (Section 4)
Marilyn Roossinck, – mjr25@psu.edu
Katrina Lythgoe
UK (Section 5 – Reviews)
Katrina Lythgoe, – katrina.lythgoe@zoo.ox.ac.uk
Instructions to authors
Scope of the journal
Virus Evolution aims to serve the community of virologists, evolutionary biologists and ecologists who are interested in the genetic diversity and evolution of non-cellular forms of life. Virus Evolution’s scope is broad and the journal welcomes studies of any virus, phage or viroid in any host species, whether pathogenic or not. Investigations that are solely empirical, purely theoretical, or a combination of the two, are equally encouraged. Research topics are divided for convenience into four sections, outlined below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and submissions on other topics are also welcome.
Long-term virus evolution; virus taxonomy; host-virus co-evolution and co-phylogeny; paleovirology and endogenous viruses; origins of viruses; viral speciation and macroevolution; evolution of viral genes and genome structure.
Virus evolutionary dynamics; experimental evolution of viruses; virus population genetics; evolutionary theory; viral robustness and evolvability; virus life history evolution; mutation rates and lethal mutagenesis; phage therapy; virulence evolution.
Viral molecular epidemiology; inferring virus transmission using genetic data; phylodynamics; genetic diversity of virus populations; cross-species transmission; viral forensic genetics; evolution and spread of drug resistance; evolution of immune escape; evolutionary aspects of vaccination; virus evolution within infected hosts.
Environmental virology; virus ecology; viral metagenomics; virus discovery; genomic technologies; bioinformatic, phylogenetic and evolutionary methods relevant to viruses; emerging viruses; marine virology; virus microbiomes.
Article Types
Research Article: Report on important original research relevant to the scope of Virus Evolution, not normally more than 10,000 words.
Review Article: Provide an introduction to, and update on, recent progress in a particular field, which is accessible to a researcher not directly working in that discipline.
Rapid Communications: Short articles, not normally exceeding 5,000 words, presenting timely, original research meriting accelerated publication. Articles submitted as Rapid Communications but which are not deemed urgent enough to justify accelerated publication may still be published as a Research Paper.
Resources: Short articles, not normally exceeding 5,000 words, which introduce and describe new research resources of utility to the field, for example, computer software for evolutionary analysis, online databases, tools for virus classification.
Reflections: Short articles, not normally exceeding 5,000 words, that present novel opinions, perspectives, hypotheses and commentary of current research in the field of virus evolution.
The suggested maximum word counts exclude the Abstract and References.
Streamlined Submission
Virus Evolution has a streamlined process designed to avoid unnecessary work. Please submit your manuscript to the journal’s online submission system. Instructions on how to use the online system.
To contact the editorial office, please email ve.editorialoffice@oup.com.
Manuscripts can be submitted in any common document format that can be easily opened and read by others. A single PDF file is usually reliable. A basic formatting guide is given below.
After your article is accepted, you will be asked to supply editable files, which match journal formatting requirements, and high-resolution figures. For more information, please consult the journal’s style conventions.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, the unedited manuscript will be published online within 4-6 days of acceptance. Once proofs of the final article are prepared, a link to the proofs on our online system will be sent to the corresponding author via e-mail. The corrected proof should be uploaded to the system, within three days of receipt.