收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
if影响因子:2.815 (2020)
投稿方向:医学、immunology 免疫学
出版周期:年8期 地区:英国
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Instructions for authors
About the Journal
Autoimmunity is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus and peer-review policy.
Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.
Autoimmunity accepts the following types of article: Original Articles, Review Articles, Letters to the Editor, Commentaries, Book Reviews.
The body of a Review Article should be a comprehensive, scholarly evidence-based review of the literature, accompanied by critical analysis and leading to reasonable conclusions. Wherever appropriate, details of the literature search methodology should be provided, i.e. the databases searched, the search terms and inclusive dates, and any selectivity criteria imposed. Wherever possible, use primary resources, avoiding "Data on File", "Poster" or other unpublished references. Letters to the Editor will be considered for publication subject to editor approval and provided that the content relates to articles published in the journal. Letters should be received less than six months after publication of the original work in question. Pending editor approval, letters will be submitted to the author of the original paper in order that a reply be published simultaneously. Commentaries: All commentary topics must be checked with the editor prior to submission. Commentaries should be knowledge-based or consensus-type articles (e.g. working group statement) expressing objective opinions, experiences or perspectives on an important area related to autoimmunity. Book Reviews: Autoimmunity considers a limited number of book reviews. Book review ideas must be checked with the editor prior to submission.
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*Citations received up to Jan 31st 2020 for articles published in 2015-2019 in journals listed in Web of Science®.
**Usage in 2017-2019 for articles published in 2015-2019.
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Preparing Your Paper
All authors submitting to medicine, biomedicine, health sciences, allied and public health journals should conform to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
Your paper should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figures; figure captions (as a list).