JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY《内泌尿学杂志》(月刊). JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY is a leading peer-reviewed journal, case reports publication, and innovative videojournal companion covering all aspects of minimally invasive urology research, applications, and clinical outcomes.

杂志简称:j endourol
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:医学、urology & nephrology 泌尿学与肾脏学



出版周期:月刊 地区:美国

杂志官网 联系方式




Information For Authors

Submitting Your Manuscript


The submitting author is required to complete the submission using an ORCID identifier. Please visit the ORCID website for more information, or to register. You must have an account in ScholarOne for Journal of Endourology before logging in with an ORCID identifier.

Manuscript Submission Site

Create an Account in ScholarOne

If you do not already have an account in ScholarOne for Journal of Endourology, you will need to create one. Once you create your account, you may log in to the system to begin your submission. Each listed author on a submission must either have an account, or have one created, in the submission system.

Use of English Language

All submissions must be in English. Appropriate use of English is a requirement for review and publication in Journal of Endourology. To support non-native speakers, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., has partnered with Editage to provide language editing and translation services for a fee prior to official submission. To learn more about the services, please visit the Liebert Author Services website. Please note that employing the use of such services is not mandatory and using it, or any other language editing service, does not guarantee the acceptance of any paper. All submissions are subject to peer review.



Check the Journal’s PEER REVIEW POLICIES

Manuscript Preparation

Determining Authorship


All authors, including the co-authors, should be responsible for a significant part of the manuscript. All authors and co-authors should have taken part in writing the manuscript, reviewing it, and revising its intellectual and technical content. Any author whose name appears on a manuscript assumes responsibility and accountability for the results.

Third-Party Submissions

Please note that if manuscripts are submitted by third parties (i.e., editing services or other agents), those third parties must submit the manuscript as a submitting agent, using a corporate or official email account. In addition, the name and company of the submitting agent must be disclosed in the cover letter. Author are responsible for manuscripts submitted by third parties. If we determine that a non-disclosed third party submitted the manuscript without following these procedures, we reserve the right to immediately reject the manuscript.

Submission Process


All Original submissions must contain:

An Internal Review Board (IRB) approval (or waiver) statement in the Methods section

Acknowledgments section (if applicable) after the Conclusion of the paper, followed by

An Author Contribution statement for each listed author, followed by

An Author Disclosure Statement for each author listed on a submission, even if there are no conflicts to disclose, followed by,

Funding statement(s), even if there is no funding information to declare.




Human Subjects: Patient Consent/Release

If applicable, it is incumbent upon the author(s) to obtain patient release statements of permission to reproduce any identifiable images of patients. The Journal does not provide a generic patient release form. Any identifying information should not be published in descriptions or photographs unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent/guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that an identifiable patient be shown the manuscript to be submitted. Authors should disclose to these patients whether any potential identifiable material might be available via the Internet as well as in print after publication. Nonessential identifying details should be omitted. Informed consent should be obtained if there is any doubt that anonymity can be maintained. For example, masking the eye region in photographs of patients is inadequate protection of anonymity. If identifying characteristics are de-identified, the manuscript should contain assurances/statements that such changes do not distort scientific meaning.

In keeping with patients' rights of privacy, the Journal does not require the submission of patient consent forms, but instead requires the author(s) to retain and archive all patient consent documentation. Upon submission of a manuscript for review, the authors must make a statement in a cover letter to the Editor/Journal which attests that they have received and archived written patient consent.

Note: Just Accepted / Instant Online Publication

Journal of Endourology publishes all accepted papers within 72 hours of receipt of all authors' signed copyright agreement forms in their unedited, uncorrected format.

It is important to note that the information that is published online, and in all indexing services, is pulled directly from the data that are populated into the fields in ScholarOne – NOT from the manuscript file – when the paper is originally uploaded to the system for peer review. Consequently, any errors contained in the system will remain on our website and all indexing services, including Medline, until the next revision* of the article is published. As such, it is critical that authors enter all authors’ names correctly into the system at the time of submission. Any omissions or errors will remain on our website and in indexing services until the subsequent online version is published.

*The next revision will take place after the corresponding author reviews page proofs, makes any necessary corrections, and returns the changes to the Publisher. Once the alterations are completed, the revised version will be published on our website, and the newly corrected information will then be released to Medline/PubMed, in addition to any other indexing services in which the Journal is included.

Please note that the typical time between acceptance of a paper and page proof distribution is approximately 4-8 weeks depending on the length and complexity of the paper.

Supplemental Information, if supplied, will NOT be published in the Just Accepted/LION platform, but instead will be published in the Online Now (epub) and final versions of the article. NOTE: Supplemental Information will not be copyedited or typeset; it will be posted online as supplied.

All manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations).

When submitting your manuscript for peer review, be prepared to:

Enter the full title of the manuscript

Enter the full names and institutional affiliations of ALL listed authors

Enter ALL listed authors' institutional email addresses

Identify the corresponding author

Enter a running (abbreviated) title of no more than 45 characters (including spaces).

Enter 3–6 keywords or phrases.

Provide a structured abstract of no more than 300 words, stating the background, materials and methods, results (including the sample size), and conclusions drawn from the study.

Provide the names and email addresses of at least five potential preferred reviewers familiar with the field. Please make sure preferred reviewers are not from your university or institution or with whom you have collaborated. Anyone whom the author does not want to be considered should also be named as a non-preferred reviewer. Ultimate reviewer selection is at the Editor’s discretion.

Confirm that the material has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

Create an Effective Title

Manuscript titles should be brief, contain key terms, and clearly identify the purpose

of the work conducted

Manuscript titles should not exceed 15 -18 words. Exceptions can be made with the Editor’s approval

Manuscript titles should be direct and to the point. Remember that the journal has a global readership, so clear and concise non-vernacular language is most effective

Avoid the use of specific locations in the title

Do not use proprietary/trademarked names in the title

Do not use acronyms in the title unless they are universally recognized and accepted

NOTE: The title page of your submission must be included as part of your main text document (not as a separate file).

File Naming

All file names should be in English and contain only alphanumeric characters. Do not include spaces, symbols, special characters, dashes, dots, or underscores. Label each file with the first author's last name, followed by the content of the file (i.e.: SmithText; SmithTables; SmithFigureLegends; SmithFig1, etc.)

Important: Please upload individual files of all manuscript material as described herein — please do NOT upload a combined PDF file containing all material in your submission.

Preparation of Manuscript

Prepare text of manuscripts, figure legends, and tables in Microsoft Word, double spaced. The order of elements in each manuscript should be:

Title page (with full manuscript title, all contributing authors and their complete addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses, the source of a work or study [if any], a short running title, a denotation of the corresponding author, and a list of 3-6 keywords)


Main text (do not embed figures or tables)

Conclusion (as a separate paragraph, not as part of the Discussion section)

Acknowledgments (if applicable)

Authorship confirmation statement (see below)

Author(s’) disclosure statement(s) (see below)

Funding statement (see below)


Figure legends


Supplemental files (if applicable. If the submission is accepted, Supplemental Information will NOT be published in the Just Accepted/LION platform, but instead will be published in the Online Now (epub) and final versions of the article. Supplemental Information will not be copyedited or typeset; it will be posted online as supplied.)

Manuscript Text

Maximum word count for original articles should not exceed 2,500 words. In general, the text should be organized under the headings: Introduction, Materials (or Patients) and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

Use only standard abbreviations, which can be found in the AMA’s Manual of Style for Authors and Editors, 10th edition or the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Style Manual, 8th edition. At first usage, spell out terms and provide abbreviations in parentheses. Thereafter, use only the abbreviations. It is not necessary to spell out standard units of measure. Use generic names for drugs if possible. If you wish to use a proprietary drug name the first time it appears, use the generic name followed by the proprietary name, manufacturer, and location in parentheses.

Abbreviations Used

Please upload a SEPARATE WORD FILE with the heading “Abbreviations Used,” listing all abbreviations with an equal sign indicating their spelled out meaning. (For example: CT = Computed Tomography.) If there are no relevant abbreviations in your manuscript you must indicate that by putting in the Abbreviations Used heading followed by the word “None.” This list is required upon submission. Because “ESWL” is a trademark, we prefer “SWL” to be used as the acronym for extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. Please follow the requested style to avoid delays in publication. Consult an issue of the Journal for the exact format.

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