The Medical Journal of Australia《澳大利亚医学杂志》(一年22期). The Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) is Australia’s leading peer-reviewed general medical journal. It has been delivering groundbreaking research to the medical community since 1914. Published twice a month, with one issue in each of January and December (22 issues a year), the MJA covers all the important issues affecting Australian health care, publishing the latest clinical research, evidence-based reviews, clinical practice updates, authoritative medical opinion and debate, and developments within the humanities with respect to medicine. The MJA encourages comment and debate from readers.
杂志简称:med j australia 中文译名:《澳大利亚医学杂志》 收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:医学、medicine, general & internal医学、内科