杂志简称:bmc microbiol
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
出版周期:年刊 地区:英国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1471-2180;EISSN 1471-2180
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BMC Microbiology
Submission guidelines
Our 3-step submission process
Before you submit
Now you’ve identified a journal to submit to, there are a few things you should be familiar with before you submit.
Make sure you are submitting to the most suitable journal – Aims and scope
Understand the costs and funding options – Fees and funding
Make sure your manuscript is accurate and readable – Language editing services
Understand the copyright agreement – Copyright
Ready to submit
To give your manuscript the best chance of publication, follow these policies and formatting guidelines.
General formatting rules for all article types – Preparing your manuscript
Make sure your submission is complete – Prepare supporting information
Copyright and license agreement – Conditions of publication
Read and agree to our Editorial Policies – Editorial policies
Submit and promote
After acceptance, we provide support so your article gains maximum impact in the scientific community and beyond.
Please note that manuscript can only be submitted by an author of the manuscript and may not be submitted by a third party.
Who decides whether my work will be accepted? – Peer-review policy
Want to submit to a different journal? – Manuscript transfers
Spreading the word – Promoting your publication
Submit manuscript
Aims and scope
BMC Microbiology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all microorganisms – bacteria, archaea, algae and fungi, viruses, unicellular parasites and helminths. It considers studies on all aspects of the biology and biochemistry of microorganisms including but not limited to cell biology, genomics, signalling, the interaction of the microbes with the environment and host, mechanistic and functional insights into infection and disease, and biotechnological application in science and industry.
Fees and funding
Article-processing charges
Open access publishing is not without costs. BMC Microbiology therefore levies an article-processing charge of £1690.00/$2390.00/€1990.00 for each article accepted for publication, plus VAT or local taxes where applicable.
If the corresponding author's institution participates in our open access membership program, some or all of the publication cost may be covered (more details available on the membership page). We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries. For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds. Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process. For further details, see our article-processing charge page.
Visit Springer Nature’s open access funding & support services for information about research funders and institutions that provide funding for APCs.
Springer Nature offers agreements that enable institutions to cover open access publishing costs. Learn more about our open access agreements to check your eligibility and discover whether this journal is included.
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