杂志简称:can j anim sci
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、agriculture, dairy & animal science奶制品与动物科学
出版周期:季刊 地区:加拿大
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0008-3984;EISSN 1918-1825
杂志官网 联系方式
Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Prepare your manuscript
Format and style
Manuscript text must:
be in English or French
be double-spaced
be single-column
include page numbers
include continuous line numbers (before acceptance only)
be 8.5 x 11 inches in page size (or ISO A4)
follow this order: title page, abstract, keywords, body text (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion), acknowledgements, references, tables, figure captions, figures, appendices
Abbreviations and acronyms
Define abbreviations and acronyms when they are first mentioned in the text.
In body text, try to avoid footnotes. If unavoidable, cite footnotes using superscript Arabic numbers (1,2,3), in order of appearance (starting with the title page), and include the footnote at the bottom of the page on which it is cited. Do not include footnotes in the reference list.
In tables, cite footnotes using symbols (in the order *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, #) or superscript lowercase italic letters (a,b,c).
Mathematical expressions
Identify equations by calling out with numbers in parentheses placed flush with the left margin (for the Canadian Journal of Physics, place on the right).
A letter or symbol should represent only one entity and be used consistently throughout the paper.
Each variable (including those representing vectors, matrices, and tensors) must be clearly identified and defined in the text.
Supply complex equations in an editable format by using LaTeX or a math editor (MathType).
Supply simple, inline equations in Word, without using MathType. Insert symbols from Word’s “Symbol” palette, using “normal text” or “Symbol” fonts only. Insert symbols using MathType ONLY if they cannot be found in the “Symbol” palette under one of those two fonts.
Reporting guidelines
Study reporting guidelines can help authors report their work transparently and accurately. We encourage their use. Up-to-date guidelines can be found at the EQUATOR Network, where authors can consult the flow chart or wizard to identify which guideline(s) to use. A completed copy of the guideline checklist may be submitted with the manuscript as a Supplementary file.
Spelling should follow that of Webster's Third New International Dictionary or the Oxford English Dictionary. Authors are responsible for consistency in spelling.
Statistical analyses
The assumptions and (or) the model underlying any statistical analysis should be clearly stated. Do not use symbols such as * and ** to denote levels of significance unless accompanied by actual p values.
Units of measure
Use SI units of measure (Système international d’unités). If non-SI units are used, at first mention, supply the equivalent in SI units in parentheses.
Parts of the manuscript
Title page
Should be accurate, informative, and brief. Include keywords in the title to optimize search engine discovery.
Author list
List all author names on the title page: check author order, spelling, capitalization, initials, and hyphens.
Format names as: first name (or initial) middle name (or initial) last name (surname/family name).
List affiliation(s) for each author that include: institution (department and university or organization), city, state or province, country. An author’s affiliations should reflect where the research was conducted. If an author changes institution, the new affiliation can be listed in a footnote.
Do not include academic degrees and professional titles.