Journal of Food and Nutrition Research《食品与营养研究杂志》(可邮箱投稿)

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research《食品与营养研究杂志》(季刊). Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (JFNR) publishes papers focusing on fundamental and applied research in chemistry, physics, microbiology, nutrition aspects, bioactivity, quality, safety, and technology of foods.

杂志简称:j food nutr res、slov
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、food science & technology 食品科技

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research《食品与营养研究杂志》


出版周期:季刊 地区:斯洛伐克
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1336-8672;EISSN 1338-4260

杂志官网 联系方式




Instructions for authors

1 Aims and scope

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (JFNR) publishes papers focusing on fundamental and applied research in chemistry, physics, microbiology, nutrition aspects, bioactivity, quality, safety, and technology of foods.

The consensus of Editorial Board was to avoid publishing of papers focused on trivial analysis and determination of basic composition of any kind of natural products, without any technological treatment, processing, storage at various conditions.

JFNR appears 4 times per year.

2 General terms of publication

The corresponding author states that all co-authors have seen the manuscript and agree with its publication. The responsibility for the factual accuracy of a paper is entirely with the author.

All scientific contributions will be peer-reviewed on the criteria of originality and quality. After acceptance, the author may be asked to carry out a minor or major revision. JFNR publishes articles in English. Manuscripts should be grammatically and linguistically correct, and authors less familiar with English usage are advised to seek the help of English-speaking colleagues. British spelling is preferred.

3 Types of contributions

Four categories of scientific contributions are accepted for publication:

A. O riginal articles – original full-length papers which have not been published yet, except in a preliminary form, and should not exceed 7 500 words (including tables and illustrations).

B. R eview articles – focusing on special topics of interest and summarising latest scientific information, up to 12 000 words (including tables and illustrations). Before submitting a manuscript, authors should consult Editor-in-Chief on the given topic. Contributions of authors with experimental experience and publications on the given topic in relevant scientific journals are highly preferred.

C. S hort communications – these may be of a preliminary nature but sufficient for immediate publication, up to 2 500 words (including tables and illustrations).

D. B ook reviews.

4 Manuscript preparation

4.1 Title page

The first page of the manuscript should contain the

following items:

1. Title of the paper. No abbreviations should be used in the title.

2. Full names (including first name(s)) of the authors with the name and complete postal address of the organisation. If several organisations are involved, the affiliations of all authors should be clearly stated.

3. Correspondence address (name and full postal address) of the author to whom all correspondence is to be sent. List of e-mail addresses of all authors has to be included.

4. Running title (abbreviated title that will be repeated in the header of the journal page) should be given when the title exceeds 70 characters.

5. Keywords – up to 7 words.

4.2 Summary

Summary should contain all information about the objectives of the study, outline of theory and experimental procedure, results obtained, their significance, and main conclusions. Innovativeness and originality of the work should be explicitely specified. Summary should be self-explanatory, concisely written and intelligible as much as possible, without references to the text. It should not exceed 200 words. Abbreviations should be explained when first used.

4.3 Sections

Manuscripts should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions (optional), References.

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