
FISHERIES《渔业》(月刊). Fisheries is a monthly magazine established in January 1976, by the American Fisheries Society (AFS), the oldest and largest professional society representing fisheries scientists. Fisheries features peer-reviewed technical articles on all aspects of aquatic resource-related subjects, as well as professional issues, new ideas and approaches, education, economics, administration, and law. Issues contain features, essays, AFS news, current events, book reviews, editorials, letters, job notices, chapter activies, and a calendar of events.

收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、fisheries 渔业



出版周期:月刊 地区:美国

杂志官网 联系方式




Author Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to Fisheries magazine. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production, and publication smoothly. The following guides will help you determine your type of submission. For full instructions, please click for a PDF of Fisheries 2019 Instructions for Authors. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible, as doing so will ensure your paper matches the magazine’s requirements. For general guidance on the publication process at Wiley, please visit our Author Services website.

This magazine uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. Please read the guide for ScholarOne authors before making a submission. Submit your manuscript online using our manuscript tracking website at If you cannot submit your manuscript online, please e-mail or phone the managing editor, Peter Turcik, for instructions: or 301-897-8616 x201 (for fastest response, please e-mail).

Please note that Fisheries uses CrossCheck™ software to screen papers for unoriginal material. By submitting your paper to Fisheries you are agreeing to any necessary originality checks your paper may have to undergo during the peer review and production processes.

Papers are accepted for publication on the condition that they are submitted solely to Fisheries and that they will not be reprinted or translated without the publisher’s permission. See “Dual Publication of Scientific Information”, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 110:573-574 (1981). AFS requires an assignment of copyright from all authors, except for articles written on government time or for the government that cannot be copyrighted. Authors must obtain written permission to reprint any copyrighted material that has been published elsewhere, including tables and figures. Copies of the permission letter must be enclosed with the manuscript and credit given to the source.


Fisheries is the monthly peer-reviewed membership publication of the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Its goal is to provide timely, useful, and accurate information on fisheries science, management, and the fisheries profession for AFS members. Some types of articles which are suitable for Fisheries include fishery case histories, review or synthesis articles covering a specific issue, policy articles, perspective or opinion pieces, essays, teaching case studies, and current events or news features. We strive to be a voice for AFS members who have ideas and stories to share that will advance fisheries science or AFS as a professional society.

Fisheries is the mostly widely read fisheries science publication in the world. Accordingly, content submitted for consideration should appeal broadly to fisheries professionals and speak to the interests of the AFS membership. Lengthy, highly technical, or narrowly focused research articles are better suited to the AFS technical publications, and we encourage authors to consider the other AFS journals as venues for these works.

We particularly encourage the submission of short-form (under 5 typeset pages) “mini-review” articles. We will waive page charges for even shorter articles (under 2 typeset pages) on such articles as current events in fisheries science, interviews with fisheries scientists, history pieces, informative how-to articles, etc. We also encourage articles that will expose our members to new or different fields, and that recognize the varied interests of our readers. Research articles may be considered if the work has broad implications or applications and the subject matter can be readily understood by professionals of a variety of backgrounds.

Pre-submission consultations are welcomed and encouraged to evaluate content, or determine how manuscripts can be structured to be consistent with Fisheries editorial goals. Please contact Jeff Schaeffer ( for pre-submission reviews.


The maximum length of articles accepted in Fisheries is 4,500 words (excluding references, photos, figures, tables, pull quotes, titles, translations, etc.)and should not cite more than 40 references. One full page of article text with absolutely no figures, tables, pull quotes, titles, headers, translations, or photos is approximately 880 words or 6,100 characters including spaces. Please adhere to this standard, taking figures and other non-text content into consideration, when preparing manuscripts for submission to Fisheries. Please consult the Managing Editor PRIOR to submission for a length or reference limit exemption for review articles or articles of Society-wide significance.

All peer-reviewed manuscripts will be reviewed by two or more outside and independent referees who are experts in the subject of the manuscript, and evaluated for publication by the science editors, senior science editors, and editor in chief. Papers are judged on scientific and professional merit, relevance, and interest to fisheries professionals. Authors may request anonymity during the review process and should structure their manuscripts accordingly.


Features are Research articles reporting on original research on topics of broad interest to our readership that address contemporary issues and problems in all aspects of fisheries science, management, and policy. Articles on fisheries ecology and aquatic resource management; biology of fishes, including physiology, culture, genetics, disease, and others; economics and social issues; educational/administrative concepts, controversies, techniques, philosophies, and developments; and other general interest, fisheries-oriented subjects will be considered.


Perspectives are similar manuscripts to Features, but offer new proposals for critical evaluations of contemporary concepts, paradigms, and ideas.

Review Articles

Review Articles are syntheses or summaries of information on a topic that is important to the field of Fisheries.

Policy and Issue Papers

Policy and issue papers are welcome, particularly those focusing on current topics in fisheries policy. As noted above, we are particularly interested in mini-reviews, which should concisely but comprehensively summarize a topic under 4,400 words or less.


Essays are thought-provoking or opinion articles based upon sound science. Essays may cover a wide range of topics, including professional, conservation, research, AFS, political, management, and other issues. Essays may be submitted in conjunction with a full feature article on the same topic. Essays can be up to 2,000 words, may include photographs or illustrations, and should not cite more than eight references. However, essays should provide scientific documentation, unlike unreviewed opinion pieces (below). Essays are peer-reviewed based on the following criteria: contribution to the ongoing debate, logical opinion based on good science, persuasiveness, and clarity of writing. Reviewer agreement with the opinion of the views expressed is not a criterion. Essays do not have page charges or abstracts. Essays should be formatted and submitted online as described below.

Fisheries Education

Fisheries will consider publication of case studies and other articles specifically intended as teaching tools. These articles, including case studies or short topical summaries, should be formatted to be used for teaching aids for courses taught at the undergraduate level. Fisheries Education articles should be readily understood by undergraduate students with basic training in biological/ecological sciences, and include background information, discussion questions, teaching notes, and references. Peer review of teaching case studies and educational topics will be handled by a special committee of the AFS Education Section.

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material contained in their journal article and supplementary materials. This requirement applies to any content that was not personally created by the author but instead is reproduced or adapted from other sources. Please see this helpful guide.


These types of submissions are shorter than peer-reviewed articles and do not go through the full peer-review process, but are instead reviewed by the Editor in Chief, Co-Chief Science Editors, and/or Managing Editor.

Magazine Articles

These include, but are not limited to: exceptional digital images of fish or aquatic habitats, current events, interviews, member profiles, AFS member milestones or memorials, and submissions to magazine.


Cool Fish


Photo Diary


Student Angle

World Fisheries

Guest Columns

The Cool Fish and Landscapes columns examine unusual or interesting fish or habitats.

The World Fisheries column acquaints readers with lesser-known fisheries, generally outside of North America.

The Photo Diary (7–8 photos) and Backpage (1 photo) columns tell fisheries stories through the use of exceptional photography.

Student Angle. We welcome student perspectives through the Student Angle column. For information about submitting a column, please contact Student Subsection President Lisa Izzo at

Guest Columns. Authors are encouraged to submit most opinion pieces about fisheries science or management as essays for editorial review. Occasionally, editorials about professional or policy issues may be inherently unsuitable for a scientific review. Sometimes these pieces are submitted by a committee, agency, or organization. Editorials should be 750–1,500 words, may be edited for length or content, and referred for outside review or rebuttal if necessary. A disclaimer may accompany Fisheries Forum editorials stating that the opinion is that of the author and not the American Fisheries Society.

Do NOT use the online manuscript tracking system to submit magazine items—the text and >300 dpi digital photos (TIF or JPG) for all items except the Calendar should be emailed to the managing editor at

Unit News and Other Departments

AFS members are encouraged to submit items for the Unit News, Member Happenings, Obituaries, Letters to the Editor, and Calendar departments. Dated material (calls for papers, meeting announcements, and nominations for awards) should be submitted as early as possible, but at least 8 weeks before the requested month of publication. AFS Unit News and Letters should be kept under 400 words and may be edited for length or content. Obituaries for former or current AFS members may be up to 600 words long and a photo of the subject is welcome.


Calendar items should include the date, event title, location, and contact information (including a website, if there is one), and should be submitted online at or emailed to

Book Reviews

Please contact Book Review Editor Francis Juanes at 413-545-2758,, if you want to be added to the list of potential book reviewers.

New books (preferably two copies) submitted for review should be sent to:

Francis Juanes, Liber Ero Professor of Fisheries Department of Biology, University of Victoria, PO Box 3020, Station CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 3N5. Canada. Tel: (250) 721-6227. E-mail:


Peter Turcik, Managing Editor

American Fisheries Society

425 Barlow Place

Bethesda, MD 20814-2199

301-897-8616, ext.201

(For fastest responses, please e-mail)

Detailed instructions for using the online manuscript tracking system are available at:

Also see the Fisheries “Guidelines for Reviewers” at

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