
FRUITS《水果》(双月刊). Fruits, The International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture (ISSN 0248-1294 print and ISSN 1625-967X electronic), a leading scientific journal, published by the International Society for Horticultural Science in close collaboration with CIRAD (France). The journal publishes original articles and reviews on tropical and subtropical horticultural crops.

收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、horticulture 园艺



出版周期:双月刊 地区:法国

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Author Guidelines

General information

Fruits: International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture publishes papers in English.

Two types of publication are accepted:

• research papers presenting original results,

• syntheses on specific topics (by invitation only) .

Although the journal covers a wide range of subjects, the editorial policy gives priority to papers regarding:

• Crop production and cropping systems including permaculture, agro-forestry, interactions with the environment and sustainable cropping systems;

• Breeding, genetics and the release of genetic material adapted to tropical and subtropical environments;

• Management, storage and market supply of underutilized crops;

• Integrated management of pests and diseases;

• Clinically relevant effect of tropical and subtropical horticultural species;

• Peri-urban and urban tropical crop production;

• Sustainable water and input use;

• Pertinent and documented experience in horticulture capacity building;

• Value chain development in developing countries;

• Seed science;

• Agricultural engineering.

Conditions for publication:

Papers submitted for publication in the journal Fruits: International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture must be original and present new results.

The articles submitted are reviewed by at least two referees specialized in the subject covered by the paper. Depending on the specificity of the topic, these referees are selected from members of the scientific review board of the journal Fruits or from the international scientific community. Only these reviewers may assess the scientific value of the paper.

Guidelines for submission (Fruits)

• All manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter that includes an explanation of the manuscript’s significance, including its originality, its contribution to new knowledge in the field, and its relevance to research in horticultural sciences.

• Fruits does not charge article submission or article processing charges (APC) but as of January 1, 2020 at least one of the authors is required to hold an active Individual Membership in the ISHS prior to submitting. For your submission to be considered, ensure that at least one of the authors' membership in ISHS is current or register for ISHS Individual Membership first. Clearly list the ISHS Individual Membership number of the author(s) in the cover letter. Check for more information about ISHS membership.

Manuscript format

1. Manuscripts should be submitted online at following address: or by connecting the website of the journal at and click on ‘Online manuscript submission’ (via Editorial Manager).

2. Papers should not exceed 16 manuscript pages(±7500 words) including references plus up to 8 figures or tables. Extra figures/tables can be added for the online version (see Tables and Figures for submission conditions).

3. Papers should be arranged in the following order: Abstract (The abstract should be structured: it systematically summarizes the main parts of the text which must be clearly titled (Introduction,

Materials and methods, etc.). It should be written in the same language as the original paper and should not exceed 250 words), 4-6 key words in alphabetical order and excluding words already used in the title, Significance of this study (with answers to following questions in less than 144 characters: ‘What is already known on this subject?’, ‘What are the new findings?’ and ‘What is the expected impact on horticulture?’), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References. Exceptions are possible for contributions on horticultural economics and reviews.

Above each article the type of article will be mentioned as well. Please mention one of the following types: “Original Article” or “Review”.

4. The manuscript should be continuously line numbered from Introduction to Conclusion.

5. The abstract should be structured: it systematically summarizes the main parts of the text which must be clearly titled (Introduction, Materials and methods, etc.). It should be written in the same language as the original paper and should not exceed 250 words.

6. Introduction should contain a hypothesis on which the work was based. The discussion should state whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected.

7. Please consult a recent issue of the journal for style, formatting and layout.

8. The manuscript comprises a cover page, stating the number of text pages, words, characters including blanks, tables and figures, short running title, author's name(s) and address, telephone, fax number and e-mail of the corresponding author.

9. Species should be written in italics, e.g., Mangifera indica L..

10. SI units should be used, e.g., t ha-1 or kg m-2

11. Latin names should be italicized . Unusual acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned in the text.

12. Only internationally recognized abbreviations should be used or otherwise explained on first mention.

13. Publisher will keep the right to make last minute linguistic amendments.

Tables and figures

1. Tables and figures are numbered with Arabic numerals in the sequence they occur. Tables and figures have to be submitted with their captions on separate pages at the end of the manuscript (one page per table or figure). Figures with graphs or curves shall be sent in a vector graphic format (Excel). Give a reference in the text to make clear their position. Font size of legends should be sufficiently large for readability after reproduction and reduction for printing. The captions and units used for preparing the tables, figures, and illustrations should be fully explained. Only the metric system with its standard abbreviations should be used.

2. Photographs should be well focused with high contrast in black and white or in colour and submitted as files in digital format of the highest possible resolution.

3. Supplemental Information Guidelines: in general, Supplemental Information is limited to data and other materials that directly support the main conclusions of a paper but cannot be included in the main paper for reasons such as space or file format restrictions. SI should not be used to present data that are preliminary or that conceptually go beyond the main point of the paper.

– Each main figure or table can be associated with up to one supplemental figure. Therefore, the total number of supplemental figures should not exceed the number of main figures and tables. Please group all supplemental figure panels related to a particular main figure/table in one multipanel supplemental figure. The total number of supplemental data items of all types (figures, tables, movies, and other) per paper may not exceed two times the number of figures and tables in the main paper. For example, a paper with seven main figures can have up to 14 supplemental items, of which up to seven may be figures. It is acceptable to have more than one supplemental figure relate to a single main figure or table as long as the total number of supplemental figures does not exceed the number of display items in the main paper.

– Each type of Supplemental Data should be continuously numbered independent of the numbering of main figures and tables (example: Supplemental Information–Fig. S1, Supplemental Information–Fig. S2; Supplemental Information- Table S1, Supplemental Information- Movie S1, etc.).

– The titles of the Supplemental Information items should make it clear which main item they are most related to (examples: Supplemental Information–Fig. S1, Related to Figure 1; Supplemental Information- Movie S1, Induction of Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Related to Experimental Procedures).

– All supplemental items, including figures, movies, and tables, should have legends that briefly describe the data shown.

– Please cite each Supplemental Information item in the main text at least once. Supplemental items should also be cited at the end of the legend of the main figure or table to which they are linked (i.e., "see also Supplemental Information- Figure S1").


1. Restrict references to the most relevant and internationally accessible references only, preferentially in English.

2. The list of references cannot include internal documents or reports which have never been scientifically proof-read.

3. References are cited in the text between parentheses, e.g., (Jones, 1999; Jackson, 2000, 2001; Ting et al., 2001; Willmer and Fricker, 2003).

4. Reference format is according to CELL style with DOI number where available.

5. References are cited in alphabetical order in the Reference section. Journal article: Sondheimer, N., and Lindquist, S. (2000). Rnq1: an epigenetic modifier of protein function in yeast. Mol. Cell 5, 163–172. Article in an edited volume: King, S.M. (2003). Dynein motors: Structure, mechanochemistry and regulation. In Molecular Motors, M. Schliwa, ed. (Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH), pp. 45–78. An entire book: Cowan, W.M., Jessell, T.M., and Zipursky, S.L. (1997). Molecular and Cellular Approaches to Neural Development (New York: Oxford University Press). Conference proceedings: Bristow, K.L., Marchant, S.M., Deurer, M., and Clothier, B.E. (2010). Soil – a key component of ecological infrastructure. Paper presented at 19th World Congress of Soil Science (Brisbane, Australia) Thesis or other diplomas: Idso, M.D. (2011). Estimates of Global Food Production in the year 2050: will we produce enough to adequately feed the world? (PhD Thesis) (Arizona, USA: Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, Arizona State University)

6. References are cited in their original language.

Digital format

1. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word (*.doc – *.docx) or *.rtf format.

2. Tables: Use the Tables tool in MS Word. Tables are printed without vertical lines. Do not use tabs and spaces to construct tables.

3. Graphs: May be drawn with the Excel software, making sure to copy them using an older software version because the newest software versions are not always available.

3. Figures: Present figures separately as TIF, JPG or PNG files (halftones and colour reproductions 300 dpi, line sketches 700 dpi (equivalent in Macintosh). Figures copied from Internet pages are often 72 dpi and may give substandard results in print.

4. Tables and figures: Authors are responsible that the treatments in their tables and figures are clearly identified and distinguished when reproduced.

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