Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research《智利农业研究杂志》(可官网投稿)

Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research《智利农业研究杂志》(季刊). Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research (ChileanJAR) is the scientific journal of the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile, published quarterly in English (March, June, September, and December). It is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded of Clarivate Analytics (ex ISI), SCOPUS, SciELO, and others.

杂志简称:chil j agr res
收录属性:scie(2024版), 英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、agriculture, multidisciplinary农业综合、agronomy农艺学

Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research《智利农业研究杂志》


出版周期:季刊 地区:智利
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0718-5839;EISSN 0718-5839

杂志官网 联系方式




Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research

Instructions to author


The manuscript should be original research that represents a real contribution to scientific knowledge. It should not have been concurrently submitted to other journals or previously published elsewhere. The manuscript should be in English and writing clear and concise, according to grammatical rules of the language. If the quality of the English is not adequate, the manuscript will be rejected before being peer-reviewed. It is suggested that non-English native authors have their manuscript professionally edited by an English native translator before submission. The manuscript should be submitted through the Online System available on our Website.

In order to fulfill requirements of indexation databases (Science Citation Index, SciELO, SCOPUS, etc.), the manuscript must comply with this instructions of format and section structure or Editorial Office will reject it and it will not be peer-reviewed. ChileanJAR suggest using the following Manuscript template. Editorial Committee and reviewers will accept or reject the manuscript according to its scientific merit. The acceptance will be perform when the author satisfactorily responds to the reviewers' comments. Submitted manuscripts will be screened to detect plagiarism previously the edition process. Plagiarized manuscripts will be rejected. Rejections are unappealable.

After acceptance, ChileanJAR can make changes to the manuscript, delete double affiliation, and modify figures and tables to meet our specifications for publication.


Use letter size paper, Times New Roman 11, 1.5 spacing, 2.5 cm margins, page number in the bottom right hand corner, and continuous line numbering. Use of the manuscript template is suggested.

The manuscript should be divided into sections with main headings centered on the page, bold, and capitalized (e.g., ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION…). Subtitles within each section should be flush left, bold, and the first word capitalized. Do not fragment the manuscript with excessive subtitles.

Tables and Figures should be placed at the end of the text; it is allowed to include more than one for page maintaining its legibility and quality. Do not suggest their place in the manuscript, ChileanJAR will determine design layout. Text length should not exceed 18 pages for SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES and REVIEWS and 10 pages for SCIENTIFIC NOTES.


Title. It should clearly identify the topic. It should be centered, bold, and the first word capitalized. The recommended length is 18 words or less.

Author(s). Author names should be centered, bold, and separated by commas. In order to avoid confusion in the indexation databases (Science Citation Index, SciELO, SCOPUS, etc.) and prevent the loss of citations, use full first name (no initial allowed), and one surname for each author (when an author has two surnames use only the first or hyphenated them), e.g. Peter Johnson, George S. Stevens, Mary Smith-Moore. Brazilian names, e.g., Igor Borges-Neto, Paulo Andrade-Junior. Do not change author and/or affiliations once the manuscript is registered in the Online System. Changes will entail an immediate rejection by ChileanJAR.

Affiliation. One affiliation is suggested, it is included immediately after authors. In order it consists of the institution (no abbreviation), faculty or experimental center (do not include laboratories), postal address, city, state (if applicable), and country. We do not accept virtual or temporary institutions. Just one corresponding author must be identified with an asterisk (*) and email address. Do not change author and/or affiliations once the manuscript is registered in the Online System. Changes will entail an immediate rejection.

Abstract. The abstract is a single paragraph of no more than 250 words that includes the five parts of the manuscript: (1) an introductory sentence to state the importance of the topic or issue, (2) the main objective, (3) general description of methods, treatments, or evaluations, (4) main results expressed with values and statistical significance (P value), and (5) the conclusion of the evaluation or analysis of the experimental results. It should not cite figures, tables, or references; equations should be avoided.

Key Words: Authors must include no more than six words listed in alphabetical order, which reflect the central topics of the manuscript.

Introduction. This section should include specific background information and justification of the topic in a clear and organized manner supported by appropriate and recent (10 years or less) bibliographical references. The objective and hypothesis are included at the end of this section.

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