杂志简称:j environ qual
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:环境科学与生态学、environmental sciences环境科学
出版周期:双月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0047-2425;EISSN 1537-2537
杂志官网 联系方式
Contributions to the Journal of Environmental Quality (JEQ) that report original research or reviews and analyses, as well as datasets, dealing with various aspects of anthropogenic impacts on the environment in natural and agricultural ecosystems will be considered from all disciplines. To be acceptable, a manuscript must make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of existing concepts. The study should define principles of broad applicability, be related to problems over a sizable geographic area, or be of potential interest to a representative number of scientists.
Manuscript Types
The journal publishes contributions under the headings of Technical Reports, Reviews and Analyses, Environmental Issues, Technical Notes and Preliminary Communications, Dataset Papers, Special Sections, Letters to the Editor, and Book Reviews.
Technical Reports. Papers that present original research contributions on hypothesis-driven studies. The current subject matters are: atmospheric pollutants and trace gases, bioremediation and biodegradation, ecological risk assessment, ecosystem restoration, emerging contaminants, environmental microbiology, environmental models, modules, and datasets, groundwater quality, landscape and watershed processes, organic compounds in the environment, plant and environment interaction, resource recovery and reuse, surface water quality, trace elements in the environment, urban pollutants, vadose zone processes and chemical transport, wetlands and aquatic processes.
Reviews and Analyses. Papers that present a scholarly review of the literature on an environmental process.
Environmental Issues. Papers that include discussion of contemporary environmental issues from a combination of scientific, political, legislative, and regulatory perspectives.
Technical Notes and Preliminary Communications. Papers that present and describe analytical techniques, laboratory and field equipment design, computer software, studies of limited scope or preliminary data with compelling results, and unique observations.
Dataset papers. Papers that present and describe datasets that are accessible to other researchers for developing new studies.
JEQ special sections. Paper collections that are designed to bring to the forefront and promote new areas of research of broad interest to the JEQ readership; highlight and provide a platform for scientific exchange resulting from symposia, collaborative projects, and topical conferences through rigorous and professional peer review process; and provide a periodic overview of the state of the art in various research area by soliciting contributions from active leaders in the field of environmental quality. A typical special section size varies from 6 to 25 manuscripts. A proposal for a special section solicits and calls for papers along a theme (approved by the JEQ Editor) to be submitted, reviewed, and published within the time frame of one year. Submit a one-page proposal for consideration to the JEQ Editor and include the section's title; an abstract with motivation, scope, and example contributions; a list of potential contributors; suggested guest associate editors; and timeline for submission, review, and publication.
Book reviews. May be invited by the editor.
Refer to our JEQ Dataset Paper Instructions for detailed instructions regarding Dataset papers.
Download the JEQ Manuscript Submission Template and Pre-Submission Manuscript Formatting Checklist.
Submit manuscripts at the JEQ Manuscript Submission Site. Submissions to JEQ may not be previously published in their entirety or simultaneously submitted to any other scientific or technical journal. American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) journals follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA style) for most style points. Consult our Publications Handbook and Style Manual for information on preparing and editing papers.
Creating the Manuscript File
Microsoft Word or LaTeX files may be submitted for review. For your convenience, we encourage you to use our Word template. The manuscript should be double-spaced, using page and continuous line numbers. See our LaTex File Submission Guidelines for instructions on submitting LaTeX files.
Word Limits
Papers should be 7000 words or fewer, including abstract, headings, tables, and figures, where each table or figure (including table titles and figure captions) is equivalent to 300 words. References are excluded. Include the cumulative word count at the top of the submitted manuscript, counting each table and figure as 300 words. For example, the total word count for a manuscript with 5900 words (excluding references), one table, and one figure is 6500.
The suggested word limit for Reviews and Analyses and Environmental Issues papers is 12,000 words, excluding tables, figures, and references. The suggested word limit for Technical Notes and Preliminary Communications is 4000 to 5000 words, including tables and figures (each of which count for 300 words) and excluding references. Word limits do not apply to introductory papers to special sections.