杂志简称:b am mus nat hist
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t3), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:环境科学与生态学、biodiversity conservation生物多样性保护、ecology生态学
出版周期:不定期 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0003-0090;EISSN 1937-3546
杂志官网 联系方式
Author Submissions
Submissions to the Scientific Publications of the American Museum of Natural History are restricted to Museum staff, curators emeriti, recipients of Museum fellowships (graduate students and postdocs), and Research Associates. Manuscripts by unaffiliated authors will not be considered for publication except by invitation from the Chair of the Publications Committee. Unaffiliated authors whose research was supported by the Museum, or whose research is substantially based on Museum collections or otherwise closely concerns the museum, may contact members of the publication committee for more information.
Please consult the following policies, guidelines, and style manual before submitting your work. You may contact the associate editors with questions about the submission process.
American Museum of Natural History
Scientific Publications Policies (October 2010)
1. Introduction
1.1. The Serials. The museum publishes three scientific serials—Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (for zoological monographs), American Museum Novitates (for shorter zoological works), and Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History (for works in anthropology).
1.2. Purpose of the Serials. The Museum's scientific serials are primarily intended to publish the research results of Museum staff, fellowship recipients (postdoctoral scholars and graduate students), and affiliated scholars (Research Associates).
1.3. Scope of the Serials. Submitted manuscripts should report significant new discoveries of fact or interpretation that contribute to the advancement of a scientific discipline traditionally covered by our series (see 1.1). In general, the museum does not publish editorials, review articles, institutional histories, or new editions of previously published work.
1.4. Edited Volumes. Edited volumes of collected papers (festschrifts, memorial volumes, and symposia proceedings) may not be submitted except by invitation. Prospective editors should contact the Publications Committee of the Senate of the Scientific Staff with a proposal describing the planned volume in substantive detail. Proposals for edited volumes normally must include a commitment to pay all production costs (see 3.3 below).
2. Peer Review
2.1. Peer Review. All submitted manuscripts are evaluated by anonymous peer review, a process that is managed by the Publications Committee of the Senate of the Scientific Staff.
2.2. Use of Museum Collections and Material. Given that the publication series are primarily focused on Museum research, manuscripts by unaffiliated authors should significantly discuss Museum collections or research; furthermore, unaffiliated authors are required to fund publication costs (see 3.3).
2.3. Appeals. There is no formal appeals process by which rejected manuscripts are reconsidered, although authors are free to communicate any concerns about the review process with the associate editor of their respective field.
3. Publication Charges
3.1. Publication Charges. Publications costs are primarily determined by author affiliation to the museum as described below. All queries about page charges are to be directed to the Associate Dean of Science for Collections.
3.2. Museum Authors. The museum defrays publication charges, except as noted in 3.4, for (1) museum staff, (2) emeritus staff, (3) postdoctoral fellows and graduate students supported by museum fellowships, and (4) Research Associates. Museum authors with access to substantial restricted funds relating to the published work in question are required to provide partial or full support for publication.
3.3. Outside Authors. Unaffiliated authors are required to fund 100% of publication costs (currently $85.00 per printed page).
3.4. Charges for Edited Works. Edited volumes of collected papers (e.g., festschrifts) normally must include a commitment to pay partial or all production costs (currently $85.00 per printed page).
3.5. Museum Author Chargebacks. Unless authorization is obtained to bill departments, divisions, or other sources, Museum authors are responsible for the following costs:
all color-reproduction charges
reprints in addition to author copies
excessive author-generated text corrections (averaging more than two per printed page)
author-generated illustration corrections
unusual printing (for items such as foldouts, gatefolds, and inserts).