杂志简称:j food sci
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t2), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:工程技术、food science & technology食品科技
出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0022-1147;EISSN 1750-3841
杂志官网 联系方式
出版地址:111 RIVER ST,HOBOKEN,USA,NJ,07030-5774
JFS Author Guidelines
Mission Statement
The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) publishes peer-reviewed scientific journals to provide high-quality research on the science and technology of food. The Journal of Food Science (JFS), available with subscription online, provides results of original research and short interpretive reviews on the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of food science and technology. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (CRFSFS), available online, provides in-depth interpretive reviews in these same areas and in risk analysis. IFT is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of professional ethics, accuracy, and quality in all matters related to handling manuscripts and reporting scientific information.
Aim and Scope
Richard Hartel, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Journal Policies: Author Criteria & Author Responsibilities
Author Criteria
Authorship is restricted to those who meet the ICMJE criteria—those who have:
Made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
AND aided in drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
AND given final approval of the version to be published;
AND agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated & resolved.
Each author’s primary contribution(s) must be listed at the end of your manuscript. Ghost, guest, honorary, or anonymous authorship is not allowed. Contributors who do not qualify for authorship should be mentioned in the acknowledgments.
When submitting a manuscript, the submitting author will be asked to enter each co-author’s name and contact information, then select from a drop-down list each author’s contribution(s) to the work using the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) as well as the degree of contribution for each role (Lead, Equal, or Supporting).
From this metadata, an Author Contributions section will be generated automatically during the production process and added to the proof of the manuscript.
Authors may have multiple roles, and the ICMJE authorship criteria still apply—for example, a person whose only contribution to the work is Resources may not qualify as an author but can be thanked in the acknowledgments.
Journal Policies: Copyright
For manuscripts published under the traditional default model, the corresponding author will be asked to digitally sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement on behalf of all authors upon acceptance of the manuscript, transferring copyright to IFT (except in cases where the work cannot be copyrighted, e.g., works authored solely by U.S. government employees as part of their employment duties). Copyright terms and authors’ rights are available at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/societyimages/jfs/IFT-Journals-CTA-Terms.pdf.
For manuscripts published Open Access via OnlineOpen, a Creative Commons (CC-BY) license is used.
Journal Policies: Criteria for Manuscript Acceptance
Factors considered when judging the suitability of a manuscript for publication are: Interest readers will have in the subject; Relevance to human foods; Originality, scientific quality (including appropriateness of the experimental design and methods, depth of investigation, proper statistical analysis of the data); Importance and substance of the results, and the thoroughness and accuracy with which the results are interpreted. IFT membership is not a prerequisite for publication.
There is a 7,500-word limit for research papers in Journal of Food Science. For Concise Reviews and Hypotheses papers, there is a 10,000-word limit. Reviews over 10,000 words should be submitted to Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety.
Journal Policies: Peer Review
All submitted manuscripts are screened by the Scientific Editor for language, importance, interest to subscribers, substance, appropriateness for the journal, unique topic, and general scientific quality. Those failing to meet current standards are rejected by the Scientific Editor without further review. Those manuscripts meeting these initial standards are sent to an Associate Editor, who assigns referees (also called “reviewers”).
JFS uses a single-blind review process. Author identities are visible to the referees, but referee identities are not disclosed to the author.
Associate Editors strive to obtain three or more referees for each manuscript.
In the submission form, authors are asked to recommend the names of two to four experts who are qualified to review the manuscript but who have no personal or professional relationships with the authors and who work at other institutions. Former professors and students should not be suggested as reviewers.
For more information about our review policies, see our Reviewer Resources page.
It is the policy of JFS to blind Editorial Board members from the peer-review process of their own submissions, just as all authors are blinded. Alternate editors handle submissions made by Editorial Board members to ensure an unbiased review process.