杂志简称:ieee commun lett
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1089-7798;EISSN 1558-2558
杂志官网 联系方式
出版地址:445 HOES LANE,PISCATAWAY,USA,NJ,08855-4141
Author Responsibilities
IEEE wants to make sure that you understand the responsibilities and rights that come with being a published IEEE author.
You must ensure that your article is an original work of the listed authors, is not previously published, or currently submitted elsewhere. You must also follow all ethical guidelines on authorship, citation, data reporting, and publishing original research.
As an IEEE author, you may share and post your article in accordance with the IEEE Article Sharing and Posting Policies.
More Information
Consult the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual for more information. Or contact the IEEE author engagement team via email at authors@ieee.org for answers to your specific questions.
The IEEE Article Submission Process
After you have written your article and prepared your graphics, you can submit your article for review. Follow these steps to complete the IEEE Article Submission Process.
Select Your Target Journal
An article may be rejected before peer review if it is outside the scope of the journal. Pick the right journal with these tips:
Get customized recommendations for your article from the IEEE Publication Recommender tool.
Conduct a keyword search on IEEE Xplore® Digital Library for a list of publications with similar content.
Check your reference list for related journals.
Ask for suggestions from colleagues and co-authors in your field.
Read the Aims & Scope of your potential target publications to ensure your article is a good fit. Aims & Scope can be found in the About tab of the journal homepage on IEEE Xplore.
Keep in mind that some publications only accept certain types of articles. Letters publications will accept brief articles, while Transactions or Journal publications will accept full-length articles.
You can only submit your article to one publication at a time.
Follow All Submission Guidelines
All IEEE journals provide submission guidelines in an “Information for Authors” section, published in the journal or on a society’s website.
To find the guidelines for your target journal:
Find the journal’s home page on IEEE Xplore.
Click on the About Journal tab.
Click on Publication Details.
Not following guidelines can result in delayed processing of your submission, rejection without review, or errors in your published article.
Submit Your Article
After checking that your article complies with the target journal’s submission guidelines, you are ready to submit. Click the Submit Your Manuscript button on the journal’s home page on IEEE Xplore. You will be taken to the journal’s online submission system, which will walk you through the submission process.