Transport in Porous Media《多孔介质输运》(一年16期). Transport in Porous Media publishes original research on physical and chemical aspects of transport phenomena in rigid and deformable porous media. These phenomena, occurring in single and multiphase flow in porous domains, can be governed by extensive quantities such as mass of a fluid phase, mass of component of a phase, momentum, or energy. Moreover, porous medium deformations can be induced by the transport phenomena, by chemical and electro-chemical activities such as swelling, or by external loading through forces and displacements. These porous media phenomena may be studied by researchers from various areas of physics, chemistry, biology, natural or materials science, and engineering (chemical, civil, agricultural, petroleum, environmental, electrical, and mechanical engineering).
杂志简称:transport porous med 中文译名:《多孔介质输运》 收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t3), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊, 投稿方向:工程技术、engineering, chemical工程、化工