杂志简称:j catal
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:化学、engineering, chemical工程、化工、chemistry, physical物理化学
出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0021-9517;EISSN 1090-2694
杂志官网 联系方式
Guide for Authors
The Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis. These include studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical processes at surfaces and in metal complexes, novel concepts in surface chemistry, the synthesis and catalytic function of novel inorganic solids and complexes, spectroscopic methods for structural characterization, and theoretical methods of direct interest and impact in the science and applications of catalysts and catalytic processes.
Journal of Catalysis publishes manuscripts of archival value because of their significant fundamental and conceptual contributions to our understanding and practice of catalytic chemistries. The journal features authoritative articles, priority communications, research notes, and letters to the Editors. Journal of Catalysis is the premier scholarly publication in the field of catalysis and, over the last decade, it has been ranked among the top ten chemistry journals in terms of impact and relevance. During this period, it has published some of the most important contributions to the science and applications of catalysis and throughout its fifty-year history, it has been an indispensable source of information for chemists and chemical engineers in both industrial and academic fields.
Journal of Catalysis does not accept preliminary publications. It prefers full articles of scholarly in-depth studies and publishes short articles only in special cases, as Priority Communications or Research Notes. Priority Communications contain unique, exciting, and novel results that provide compelling evidence for rapid publication; while results in such communications may be of a preliminary nature, experimental details must be fully documented and the results reliably reproduced. Research Notes typically contain data and concepts that resolve in a concise but rigorous manner issues raised in previous publications
Types of Paper
Research Notes, Letters to the Editor, and Priority Communications should have a maximum of 14 double-spaced typewritten manuscript pages (including tables and figures). Accepted Research Notes will not receive publication priority over regular articles. All Research Notes should include an abstract of 60-100 words.
Letters to the Editor will be considered for priority publication under the following conditions: (a) Letters must be related to some statement made in a recently published article in this journal; (b) in cases of conflicting views on any topic, no more than one letter from each author will be accepted.
The handling editor will evaluate the suitability of an article for consideration as a Priority Communication according to the following criteria: (a) The article contains unique, exciting, and obviously novel results with a clear requirement for rapid publication; (b) articles may be of preliminary nature, but experimental details of the preparation and conditions must be fully documented so that the experiment can be repeated. Priority Communications should include an abstract of 60-100 words; Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion sections; a maximum of 3 figures and/or tables in total; and a References section with only the most essential references included. Manuscripts submitted for publication as Priority Communications must be accompanied by a letter explaining why the material deserves rapid publication. Manuscripts accepted as Priority Communications will be printed as quickly after acceptance as possible. Manuscripts that are judged not to warrant priority publication may be considered for publication as Research Notes.
Perspectives are brief commentaries on recent developments in an established or developing topical area or on an accompanying paper.
Will focus on interpretations, potential significance, and/or impact.
Provide a critical personal assessment of the field of interest and its future directions, rather than a compilation and extensive summary of literature reports
Will be about 3 to 5 printed Journal pages or less than 5,000 words that may include up to 3 figures and/or tables.
a Senior Editor may authorize a somewhat longer Perspective upon request
Usually are invited by the Senior Editors (listed below); however, authors interested in submitting a Perspective may propose a Perspective topic.
Authors are advised to contact one of the Senior Editors prior to manuscript preparation and to provide a title and brief description of the Perspective.
Perspectives will not have an abstract, but a stand-alone Perspective may have a graphical abstract when appropriate.
Up to 5 keywords should be provided.
Upon submission, please indicate the inviting Senior Editor.
Submitted Perspectives will be reviewed by the Senior Editors and, if needed, by specialists in the field of interest.
Provide a concise, focused review of a topic of current interest to the scientific community.
Should include some analysis of important articles on the topic and incorporate a critical assessment of the subject.
Should provide recommendations for future research and potential impact of the research.
They should not be a singular, narrowly focused reviews of the author's work only.
Mini-reviews may also raise questions.
Suggest new hypotheses or attempt to reconcile conflicting data that have recently been published.
Mini-reviews are also defined by their length, that is 5 to 10 printed Journal pages or less than 10,000 words including up to 5 figures and/or tables.
Mini-reviews must have an abstract of not more than 150 words.
Not more than 5 keywords
May have a graphical abstract
A Mini-review may be initiated upon invitation by a Senior Editor.
Are handled in parallel with Perspectives, except that Mini-reviews will be reviewed by a specialist in the field of interest, as well as by the Senior Editors.
Upon submission, please indicate the inviting Senior Editor.
Senior Editors of Perspectives and Mini-reviews
J. Armor
GlobalCatalysis.com, Orefield, Pennsylvania, USA
G.L. Haller
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
R. Prins
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland