Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing《先进机械设计、系统与制造杂志》(可网站投稿)

Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing《先进机械设计、系统与制造杂志》(不定期). Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary and free-access journal that publishes articles on mechanical engineering field.

杂志简称:j adv mech des syst
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:工程技术、engineering, manufacturing工程、制造、engineering, mechanical工程、机械

Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing《先进机械设计、系统与制造杂志》


出版周期:不定期 地区:日本
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1881-3054;EISSN 1881-3054

杂志官网 联系方式




Rule on Submission of Papers

(Edited and managed jointly by the Machine Design & Tribology Division, Design & Systems Division, Manufacturing and Machine Tools Division, Manufacturing Systems Division, and Information, Intelligence and Precision Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME))

The Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing (referred to below as "JAMDSM") is an electronic journal edited and managed jointly by the JSME five divisions (Machine Design & Tribology Division, Design & Systems Division, Manufacturing and Machine Tools Division, Manufacturing Systems Division, and Information, Intelligence and Precision Division) , and issued by the JSME for the global dissemination of academic and technological information on mechanical engineering and industries.

1. Paper for submission

Papers for submission to the JAMDSM should be original papers of the authors and unpublished in general publicly disseminated (distributed or sold) publications. Three types of papers can be accepted as follows:

Research Paper: Papers that describe original research work

Review Paper: Survey or summary of specific fields, including papers solicited by the editorial committee.

Technical Note: Papers that describe specific technical or scientific essence briefly.

2. Qualifications of contributors

Even non-members of the society may submit papers.

3. Copyright

As a rule, copyright on papers published in the Journal belongs to the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Authors are required to assign all copyrights in the work to the Society upon submission, who then publish any accepted manuscripts under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license, as detailed below and as agreed with the authors.

If a manuscript is rejected or withdrawn, copyrights revert to the authors.


All articles in the journal are Open Access. Authors can choose the following Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution 4.0 International).

4. Specified number of pages

The number of pages for one paper shall be as follows:

Using the template Within 12 Pages (A run-over of up to 8 pages) Additional pages may be approved for a manuscript when the Editorial Board deems it necessary.

Research Paper: Using the template Within 12 pages (A run-over of up to 8 pages)

Review Paper: Using the template Within 12 pages (A run-over of up to 8 pages)

Technical Note: Using the template Within 8 pages

5. Preparation and submission of papers

As a rule, papers for submission should be prepared using the specified template and submitted through the submission and review system of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Please check "Provisions for the Bulletin of JSME" and "Submission Rules" before submitting.

[Manuscript Template]

The Manuscript Template can be downloaded below. The authors must prepare their manuscript using the specified template and copyright-transfer sheet with signature.

JSME template (Word) : English-Template.docx (Sample)

JSME template (TeX) :

Copyright Transfer (Word) : copyright-transfer.doc (Sample)

JSME template for special issue (Word) : English-Template-specialissue.docx

Addressing Issues Regarding MS Word Equation Editor and the Equation Tool : Addressing-issues-MSWord.pdf

6. Language

The language of the papers for submission must be English. It is preferable to have received an English correction by the native speaker.

7. Units

The units used in the papers should be SI units.

8. Acceptance

The acceptance or rejection of the paper submitted shall be decided by the JAMDSM Editorial Board.

9. Responsibilities for the manuscript

The author shall assume all responsibilities regarding the content of the manuscript published. All data of papers are true and accurate to the Knowledge of the authors.

10. Date of receipt

The date of receipt of papers submitted shall be the date when the papers arrive at the office of the Society. However, when papers sent back to the authors for addition or revisions are not returned with the addition or revisions within two months after the inquiry date from the Society, the original date of receipt becomes invalid.

11. Ethical Policy

The author must obey "Ethical Policy Regarding Submission and Review of Papers". ( For research studies involving human subjects, the authors must observe the ethical policies in the Declaration of Helsinki (, give due consideration to the subjects' privacy, and obtain informed consent from the subjects before the submission of the papers. All papers reporting human and/or animal studies must provide a statement indicating that the study has been approved by the ethics committee or animal ethics committee of the authors' affiliated institutions.

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