杂志简称:j offshore mech arct
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t2), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
engineering, mechanical
工程、机械 4区
engineering, ocean
出版周期:双月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0892-7219;EISSN 1528-896X
杂志官网 联系方式
出版地址:TWO PARK AVE,NEW YORK,USA,NY,10016-5990
Benefits for Authors
Expert and Fair Peer Review
At the heart of the ASME Journal Program is an international network of more than 9,400 fellow engineers who serve as peer reviewers. They are invited to participate because of their expertise in their fields and their ability to offer thorough and accurate criticism of current research in order to move knowledge forward.
A good review:
• Helps members of the scientific community achieve higher standards than without expert feedback.
• Enables authors to learn something new or consider something they had not thought about.
• Improves scientific communication by helping authors to clarify statements that may be misleading, misunderstood, or plain wrong.
Speed to Publication
ASME’s journal publication workflow is designed to minimize the time between acceptance and publication. Accepted manuscripts are published online as individual articles as soon as they become available. This means the article is covered by indexing services very quickly and your work gains immediate attention. Author proofs are generated in about a week.
Coverage by Major Abstracting and Indexing Services
ASME’s journals are accepted for coverage in many of the major abstracting and indexing services as well as specialized citation databases. Your article will appear in services like:
• Web of Science
• Scopus
• Google Scholar
• Compendex
• Inspec
• PubMed and Medline (when relevant)
Journal Paper Types
What type of paper will you be submitting? The ASME Journal Program accepts the following types of technical submissions, all of which undergo rigorous peer review.
Research Paper
Full-length, original research document that reports results of major and archival value to the specific community of engineers that comprise the journal audience. Recommended Length: 12,000 words. Beyond this amount, a mandatory excess-page charge may be assessed.
Design Innovation Paper
Represents scholarly innovation in design that has technological implications. The archival value of such papers is in the innovation part of a design and not necessarily in the theory. This type of paper is intended for outstanding work in mechanical design that is concept oriented and does not necessarily require detailed theoretical or experimental development and analysis, but does have archival value in design practice, as well as potential technological implications. Recommended Length: 7000 words.
Technical Brief (Technical Note, Brief Note)
Reports results that are of significant and archival value to the engineering community; however, these works are more limited in scope and length than a research paper. A technical brief may contain any of the following: 1. preliminary report of a result not yet fully developed or interpreted; and 2. commentary on a technical issue of potential interest to readers. Recommended
Length: 4000 words.
Review Article
Organizes, clarifies, and summarizes existing major works in science and engineering and provides comprehensive citations to a full spectrum of relevant literature. Length: Open.
Letters Paper
Reports high-quality, cutting-edge original findings on theoretical or applied mechanical engineering topics. Letters papers offer rapid review and publication. Recommended Length: 2500-5000 words.
Expert View
A brief overview of the most recent advances in a specific area of mechanical engineering. The format for an Expert View is the same as a Research Paper. Recommended Length: 4500 words.