杂志简称:j navigation
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t1), 高质量科技期刊(t2), 高质量科技期刊(t3), scie(2024版), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:工程技术、engineering, marine工程、海洋
出版周期:双月刊 地区:英国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0373-4633;EISSN 1469-7785
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Instructions for authors
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When you are ready to submit, please visit the Journal of Navigation submission page on ScholarOne Manuscripts
THE JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION (2020), 00, 1–7. © The Royal Institute of Navigation 2020
Instructions for Contributors
(Version 2021-1, dated March 2021)
The Journal of Navigation is an international journal publishing original work on the latest research developments and historical aspects of navigation on land, at sea and in the air; it also provides a forum for navigators, engineers and academics to raise more controversial topics for discussion.
These Instructions are to be closely followed, and authors will be required to declare that they have read and complied with them in the final stage of the submission process. Failure to follow the Instructions will result in the paper being returned. Authors are to pay particular attention to the quality of written English, formatting and to the length limitations set out below.
1. SUBMISSIONS. All submissions to The Journal are to be made via the dedicated website at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nav where authors can register an account. Registration is straightforward, and manuscripts are uploaded directly to the site. All correspondence with respect to the submission, including review results and requests for amendments will be conducted via the site and e-mail, and alternative methods of submission will only be entertained when the author does not have web access. In this case, authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief via the RIN postal address in the front of The Journal or via e-mail at journal@rin.org.uk. Microsoft (MS) Word format is preferred for submissions, although Portable Document Format (pdf) will be accepted initially. MS Word format will be required for final production and publication. Non-compatible formats will not be accepted. Authors are responsible for ensuring that all manuscripts (whether original or revised) are accurately typed before final submission. Manuscripts should be submitted in a similar style to previously published papers in The Journal and may be returned to the author with a set of these instructions if they are submitted in a form substantially different to this style.
1.1. Length. We invite both review papers and original research for submission to The Journal of Navigation. While the length of the papers varies depending on the content and subject, they are on average 6,000-8,000 words long. Average submission page length can be up to 20 pages including Figures and Tables. The Journal encourages accurate and succinct writing. Papers should be presented single column 12 point Times New Roman with 2·54 cm margins. Figures and Tables must all be clearly legible. For subjects that require significantly higher page counts, two-part papers should be considered but this must be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief in advance of submission. The ‘Forum’ section exists for the expression of opinion, and allows authors to submit material which might not be appropriate for full length papers but which contain ideas worthy of publication and discussion (up to 2,500 words).
1.2. Figures and Tables. All Figures should be supplied in an appropriate size and the specified file formats (see further details in Section 4 – Figures). Figures and Tables should be incorporated into the submitted text, so reviewers can see them in context. Separate Figures and Tables may also be uploaded, particularly if high-resolution images are included.
1.3 Original, Unpublished Material. Contributions are normally received on the understanding that they comprise original, unpublished material and are not being submitted for publication elsewhere. Corresponding authors will be asked to confirm this and to state whether earlier versions, even those in a less-developed or abbreviated form (e.g., conference proceedings, websites, magazines or other journals etc.) have been published. Such earlier versions will not necessarily preclude publication in The Journal but full details will be required. Papers are peer-reviewed to ensure both accuracy and relevance, and amendments to the submission may thus be required before final acceptance. On acceptance, contributions are subject to editorial amendment, but authors will receive proofs for approval before publication.
1.4 Capacity Limitations. There is limited capacity to publish work in The Journal. It is entirely possible that work that has been recommended for publication by reviewers will not be published due to space constraints. Every effort will be made to publish all worthy articles but the Editor-in-Chief reserves the final decision on publication.
2. PRESENTATION OF MANUSCRIPTS. Manuscripts should conform as closely as possible to The Journal style. Previously published papers should be consulted for guidance. Text is to be presented in single column. International Standard Size A4 paper is to be used.