IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE《IEEE通信杂志》(月刊). IEEE Communications Magazine, considered by most to be their most important member benefit, provides timely information on all aspects of communications: monthly feature articles describe technology, systems, services, market trends, development methods, regulatory and policy issues, and significant global events. These articles are complemented by a variety of departments, including: Conference Calendar, Book Reviews, the Global Communications Newsletter, Scanning the Literature, New products and Product Spotlights, Society News, Your Internet Connection, News from JSAC, and the CommuniCrostic puzzle. Articles are tutorial in nature and written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. Mathematical equations are generally not used .

杂志简称:ieee commun mag
收录属性:高质量科技期刊(t1), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(超星),英文期刊,
投稿方向:计算机科学、engineering, electrical & electronic工程、电子与电气、telecommunications电信学



出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0163-6804;EISSN 1558-1896

杂志官网 联系方式




IEEE Communications Magazine Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Policy

These guidelines are for new/revised articles to be submitted for review.

Manuscript Submission Policy

Authors are required to ensure before submission that their manuscripts are in full compliance with the magazine’s submission policy and guidelines as outlined below. Submissions not complying with policy and guidelines receive an immediate (administrative) reject and are not forwarded to the review process (IEEE PSPB Operation Manual,


Authors submitting manuscripts to the IEEE Communications Magazine for review and possible publication should be aware of the IEEE policy on “Electronic Information Dissemination” (including posting preprints). The policy can be found in the IEEE Publications Services and Products Board (PSPB) Operations Manual (OM), Section 8, Art. 8.1.9. Third party servers that may host IEEE content are updated on the IEEE Publications site. Authors must follow this policy upon posting preprint on permitted servers, upon submission of manuscripts to the IEEE Communication Magazine, upon their acceptance and publication. They must add prominently displayed IEEE copyright notice as required. Authors should also be aware of the IEEE Communications Society policies on Plagiarism and Multiple Submissions, and Electronic Posting.

Notwithstanding item 1 here above, the IEEE Communications Magazine considers for publication only highly original manuscripts and requires an Overall Similarity Index Percentage (CrossRef Similarity Check by iThenticate) that is less than 20%.

Authors are encouraged to read through the IEEE Communications Magazine website and other published articles to better understand the Features of an IEEE Communications Magazine Paper.

Manuscripts should be tutorial in nature and should be written in a style comprehensible to the average reader in the Telecommunication/Communication field and to those outside the specialty of the manuscript.

Papers must avoid any statements perceived as advertisements or endorsements of commercial companies or products.

Manuscript Format

Mathematical equations and notations should not be used. Only in limited cases, few simple equations may be allowed after the approval of the Editor in Chief (EiC). The Math in this case must be both necessary and simple, and authors must contact the EiC to get approval in this regard BEFORE submitting their manuscript. These requests will be examined on a case by case basis.

Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. Authors may not get around this requirement by excessively inserting multiple sub-figures and/or sub-tables into their figures/tables, or by manipulating figures/tables sizes. Figures and tables should be easily readable and properly sized as they would appear in a published paper.

References should be included to guide readers to more information on the topic of the manuscript. The reference list need not include every available source in the subject matter. No more than fifteen (15) references complete with publication name, year, volume, issue and page numbers are allowed. Authors’ Self-citation must be minimized. References must be numbered sequentially, not listed alphabetically. All references to online sources (website URLs, web-posted papers) are required to show an "Accessed on" date. All references must be listed in the references section at the end of the paper. No inline references within the text or as footnotes are allowed. The rare inclusion of more than 15 references requires prior permission from the Editor-in-Chief.

The IEEE Communications Magazine does not charge authors for extra pages. However, the maximum number of pages of any paper is SEVEN (7) magazine pages. Manuscripts MUST always be submitted in two-column format, complete with authors’ bios. It is recommended that the manuscript be written in Times New Roman, 12-pt font size, and 20-pica column width, but authors may use an IEEE approved two-column template. The following parameters are required to meet the page limit:

Manuscript should not exceed 5500 words in total; inclusive of title, authors’ names/info, abstract, body (introduction to conclusion), figures, tables, captions, footnotes, acknowledgements, references, authors’ bios, etc. (everything). Footnotes are strongly discouraged however. MS Word enables authors to monitor their word count easily, and is therefore recommended

Authors’ bios are not to exceed 150 words each.

Regardless of typesetting, the authors are responsible for maintaining a maximum of SEVEN (7) pages upon initial submission, revisions, and final manuscript. Manuscripts may be rejected if not complying with this limit at any time. Final, camera-ready, versions will not be published if they exceed this limit.

Manuscripts may be edited for clarity and grammatical accuracy, and will be copyedited according to the magazine's style. Authors may refer to The IEEE Communications Society Publications Department Style Guide when preparing their manuscript.

Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted through Clarivate’s ScholarOne Manuscript Central (MC). Below is a list of the IEEE Communications Magazine publication tracks. There are three tracks open for submissions: Series, Feature Topics, and the Open Call. After determining the track they want to submit to, depending on the subject of the manuscript and authors’ preference, the lead/corresponding author can go to Manuscript Central, register or log in, and proceed to the Author Center where he/she should follow the instructions to submit.

The Magazine Series

If you would like to submit a manuscript to one of the magazine series, please examine the Call for Papers (CFP) of the Series you are interested in to verify the relevance of your manuscript to the Series scope. Visit Manuscript Central to submit to the category designated to the Series of your choice. Select your manuscript type, enter your title and abstract into the appropriate boxes, and submit the manuscript. You may also contact the Series Editors if you have question(s).

Feature Topics

As opposed to our broad-scope Series, authors can submit to one of our Feature Topics (FTs), each focusing on a current narrow-scope hot topic. Please examine the Call for Papers (CFP) of the FT you are interested in to verify the relevance of your manuscript to its scope. Visit Manuscript Central to submit to the category designated to the FT of your choice. Select your manuscript type, enter your title and abstract into the appropriate boxes, and submit the manuscript.

Feature Topics are important part of ComMag. They are timely, innovative, and embrace new editorial blood. They usually involve new Guest Editors (GEs) working under more experienced ones. There are cases were the review process may take more time than usual, need more reviews than usual, or need further checks on our part. This may result in some papers missing the publication time of the FT in which case they are redirected to the open call or to other publication tracks of the IEEE Communications Magazine. FTs may also be cancelled for different reasons, in which case papers are also redirected. While utmost care is assured in treating all ComMag papers fairly and similarly, authors electing to submit to FTs must understand the risks involved with them. Authors who prefer to avoid these risks should submit their manuscripts to one of the magazine Series or to the Open Call.

The Magazine Open Call (OC)

The Open Call (OC) is for free submissions in any subject within the scope of communication engineering and technologies. All in-scope submissions are welcome. If the author(s) would like to submit a manuscript to OC, the lead/corresponding author should select the Open Call type, enter the title and abstract into the appropriate boxes, and submit the manuscript.

Invited Papers

In few and special cases, an invitation may be extended by the Editor in Chief to expert(s) in the communication/telecommunication field to write a paper in an important topic of interest to our readership. Such invited papers are subject to special consideration and may be exempted from format, length, math, and references restrictions. Invited papers are reviewed by peers however and may be revised before finally approved for publication.

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