杂志简称:forest prod j
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:农林科学、forestry 林学、materials science, paper & wood 材料科学、纸与木材
出版周期:季刊 地区:美国
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Forest Products Journal Publication Style Sheet
The Forest Products Journal (FPJ) is published by the Forest Products Society. The Journal’s primary purposes include communicating research findings at the applied or practical level, communicating news and items of current interest to the membership, and describing Society programs and activities. Technical manuscripts submitted for publication are reviewed in a double-blind review process by referees selected by the Editor. Final evaluation of the material rests with the Editor. Authors who speak English as a second language are urged to have their manuscripts edited by a native English speaker prior to original submission. If necessary, papers will be submitted to a 3rd-party editing service at the author’s expense or it will be rejected upon submission if the quality is really low.
FPJ accepts manuscripts in the following areas:
•Original Article
•Feature Article (please contact Editor prior to writing/submission)
•Technical Note
•Review Article
•Letter to the editor
•Special issue article
An original article is a research paper that goes through a normal double blind review process. An original article should briefly discuss in the abstract: the novelty or new finding of the research experiment.
For a feature article, please refer to several that have been published in a most recent journal.
A technical note is for shorter papers in which a brief description of a new research finding, development, or procedure is presented. It is a still peer-reviewed manuscript. A technical note can be an opportunity for the authors to quickly release a significant finding without having to wait for the full research study; or the authors may wish to show a smaller scale study that is useful to the scientific or industrial research community. Sometimes, the reviewers will reject the paper as an original article, but will suggest a reduction to a technical note. While there are no specific rules on number of tables and figures, a technical note commonly contains 1-3 total combination of tables + figures. Feel free to discuss with the editor if your manuscript seem to fall on the borderline.
A review article should provide comprehensive update on the latest development made in a specified area of research. While many references across many time scales are encouraged, references in the previous 5 years should especially be highlighted to differentiate from older review papers.
Manuscript Preparation
Before submitting manuscripts, authors should review the information presented below. Authors will be required to submit electronic files of the following items: author information (names, titles, affiliations, mailing addresses, and email addresses), title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, literature cited, figure captions, tables, and figures. Do not incorporate figures or tables in the text.
A. Authors’ names, titles, affiliations, complete addresses of the affiliation, and e-mail addresses
should be included on a separate page. The title page should only include the title of the manuscript,
which should be as concise as possible. If possible, the title should be written in such a way as to attract a broader audience. Sometimes, the novelty itself could be part of the title and is encouraged.
B. The entire manuscript should be double-spaced, in 12-pt Times New Roman font, with line numbers added.
C. The abstract should contain, in condensed form (250 words for an article, 100 for a Technical Note), the essence of the entire work, summarizing why the work was done, what was done and how, results and conclusions, and its significance. An original article should briefly discuss in the abstract the novelty, key finding, or new finding of the research experiment.
D. In the text, make certain all figures and tables are called out in numeric order and that all references are cited. References should be cited at the appropriate location in the text using the author-date style, in chronologic order. For example: . . . (Brown and Banks 1990, Adams 1995, Evans et al. 1997).
E. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in a section called "Literature Cited."
They should be listed in alphabetic order. Translate foreign titles; indicate the original language and if an English abstract is available. If the author has consulted an online source, the citation should include the complete uniform resource locator (URL) and the date the source was accessed. If the source is an online version of a printed journal or other printed material, the citation should include the standard reference information. Please refer to a most recently published journal publication for a wide range of examples; however, below are some of the most common examples:
Hunt, C., J. O’Dell, J. Jakes, W. J. Grigsby, and C. R. Frihart. 2015. Wood as polar size exclusion chromatography media: Implications to adhesive performance. Forest Prod. J. 65(1–2):9–14.
Adams, R. 1997. Wood is good. Forest Prod. J. 47(1):68–70.
Plaza, N. Z., C. R. Frihart, C. G. Hunt, D. J. Yelle, L. F. Lorenz, W. T. Heller, S. V. Pingali, D. S. Stone, and J. E. Jakes. 2017. Small angle neutron scattering as a new tool to study moisture-induced swelling in the nanostructure of chemically modified wood cell walls. In: International Conference of Wood Adhesives, C. G. Hunt, G. D. Smith, and N. Yan (Eds.), October 25–27, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia; Forest Products Society, Peachtree Corners, Georgia. 5 pp.
Cai, Z., M. O. Hunt, R. J. Ross, and L. A. Soltis. 2002. Screw withdrawal—A means to evaluate densities of in-situ wood members. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood, August 19– 21, 2002, Berkeley, California; Forest Products Society, Madison Wisconsin. pp. 277–281.
Evans, R. 2005. Drying schedules for southern pine. USDA Forest Products Laboratory GTR-324. 4 pp. http://www. fpl.fs.fed.us/documnts/pdf2005/fpl- 2005-evans002.pdf. Accessed November 4, 2008.
F. All tables should be typed on separate pages and numbered consecutively. Tables should be kept simple and used for summary data, rather than raw data, if possible. Captions should be included above each table.
G. Detailed instructions for submitting figures are given in Preparing Figures for Publication in the Forest Products Journal. Figure files can be submitted using EPS, TIFF, PDF, and JPG formats. Failure to follow those instructions can delay publication of the paper and incur additional costs for the author.
The Forest Products Society strongly encourages the use of SI units. Authors, however, may still choose the units most appropriate for their audience. In principle, highly technical papers should give preference to SI units only; general interest or industry-targeted papers might be more appropriate in dual units. Consistent units should be used throughout the paper. Technical manuscripts published in the Forest Products Journal are subject to a page charge of $135 per printed page ($155 per page if none of the first three authors is a member of the Forest Products Society). Prices are subject to change without notice. Please contact the FPS office to verify latest charges 608.231.1361 ext. 202.
Manuscript Preparation
All manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Forest Products Journal must be submitted through our online peer review system, PeerTrack. When first visiting the site, you will need to click on Register and follow the instructions. Helpful tutorial information on the submission process is available. As an author, you will be able to submit your manuscript and monitor its status throughout the review process, including view required revisions, submit revisions, and check on the outcome of editor decisions. Please note that authors need to upload and enter all information related to a manuscript. After loading the files, the submission will be converted into a PDF file. The submitting author must approve the converted file before the submission process is complete.