杂志简称:tappi j
收录属性:scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普),英文期刊,
投稿方向:材料科学、materials science, paper & wood材料科学、纸与木材
出版周期:月刊 地区:美国
国际标准刊号:ISSN 0734-1415
杂志官网 联系方式
TAPPI JOURNAL Author Guidelines
TAPPI JOURNAL is a peer-reviewed journal covering research on topics important to academics and professionals in the pulp, paper and related industries. TAPPI JOURNAL has always been a respected source of the latest research and innovation in the global and paper industry.
Submission process
Authors presenting papers at TAPPI conferences, students or professors reporting academic research in pulp and paper-related fields, or any authors performing relevant pulp and paper industry research are encouraged to submit their manuscripts for possible publication as a peer reviewed paper in TAPPI JOURNAL. (Submissions may also be considered for publication as articles in Paper360° magazine). Authors MUST submit papers directly to the journal staff for consideration using the Editorial Manager Portal. Conference papers are no longer automatically considered for peer review, they must be submitted for consideration.
Papers should be submitted by using the step-by-step TAPPI Journal Editorial Manager Portal. Authors should limit the text of their paper to a maximum of 4500 words, with fewer than 15 figures, tables or charts. Authors must include a one- or two-sentence "application statement" that describes how readers may be able to use the information in the study or how it relates to research conducted within the topic area. Authors should also submit a 300-word summary that highlights the problem researched, results of the study and conclusions.
If necessary, authors should obtain company approval before submitting a final manuscript.
Upload papers directly into the Editorial Manager Portal. Use a one-column/full page format. Place all figures and tables after the references section rather than placing them throughout the article. Include captions for all figures and tables. If possible, send images as separate files, as they may be considered for cover artwork. High resolution (300 dpi or greater) electronic images are required. All images should be in TIF or JPEG format.
Author information
Use The Author Questionnaire form, which is a fillable form located on the Editorial Manager Portal. One form can be used for all contributing Authors, list contact information including their e-mail addresses, address and phone numbers. Please upload photos of each of the authors using the portal, photos should be high resolution and should be in TIF or JPEG format.
Before submitting a paper, please refer to the TAPPI JOURNAL Style Guide.
For industry terms, see the 5th edition of TAPPI’s "Dictionary of Paper" and Gary Smook’s "Handbook of Pulp &Paper Terminology." As a general guide, refer to "The New York Public Library Writers Guide to Style and Usage." Papers should be written in American English. Authors should use a first person construction (i.e., "…in our work, we found…") and avoid excessive use of passive voice.
Literature references are necessary for all peer-reviewed papers. References enhance the usefulness of papers to readers and identify previously published materials for an in-depth understanding of the topic. All literature references must have a [bracketed] numerical citation within the text of the paper and be in proper numerical sequence, not alphabetical by author.
References to papers in other technical journals are in the form: author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), journal name (in italics), volume number, issue number, initial paper number, and year. For journal abbreviations, please refer to the CAS Source Index (CASSI).
The format for Conference Proceedings is author(s) name (last name first with both initials; no spaces between initials), conference name (abbreviate if available in CASSI), publisher of proceedings, publisher’s headquarters city, year, and initial page number. If page number is not available, please insert paper’s title after the author(s) name.
Two examples follow:
1. Hurley, P.J., Chem. Eng. Progr. 76(2):43(1980).
2. Krogh, G.N.E., Int. Chem. Recovery Conf., TAPPI PRESS, Atlanta, GA, USA, p. 235.
Note: Standard Test Methods should not be included in the References, but instead embedded at the point of use within the text. Authors should provide the number and full name of the Test Method.
Units of measure
Papers in TAPPI JOURNAL should use SI units. In cases where English or other units are customary or necessary to understand the topic, the SI equivalent quantities and units should follow in parentheses. Examples of correct SI units for many usual paper properties and their English or common equivalent are in the TAPPI Technical Information Paper TIP 0800-01 "Units of Measurement and Conversion Factors." This is available from the TAPPI web site or by calling +1 770 446-1400, 1-800-332-8686 (U.S.), or 1- 800-446-9431 (Canada).
Review process
Not every paper submitted for consideration will be peer reviewed. Manuscripts accepted for peer review are sent to selected Editorial Board members to coordinate the reviews. A minimum of two reviewers familiar with the topic area evaluate the paper. Papers that are promotional, poorly written, excessively long, insufficiently documented, previously published, or not clearly within the focus of TAPPI JOURNAL will likely be rejected. Reviewers may request revisions to the paper before publication. Papers that successfully pass the peer review process will not be moved to the publication stage until TAPPI JOURNAL Editorial Manager Portal has received all required information, including an abstract, summary, author responses, any requested revisions, and necessary copyright forms and author questionnaires.
Please note that some communication will come directly from the Editorial Manager Portal. The Portal is a useful tool for Authors, Peer Reviewers and Editorial Board Members to track and view your submission during each step of the process.
Papers recommended for publication by the reviewers are scheduled as soon as possible, based primarily on topic, available space, and processing requirements. It sometimes becomes necessary to reschedule a paper.
Papers accepted for publication are published in full in TAPPI JOURNAL and also published on TAPPI’s web site. A short summary or title of each accepted paper is also printed in Paper360°magazine after publication in TAPPI JOURNAL.
Authors retain copyright of their work. TAPPI requires written permission from the author to publish the work in print, electronically, and in other formats. TAPPI Publisher’s Agreement is a fillable form that requires the signature of the copyright owner, author or person signing on behalf of an employer. This form is located in the Editorial Manager Portal and is required to be signed and uploaded, prior to completing the technical check of your submission. If you need assistance or have questions concerning the author guidelines, please contact Jana Jensen at jjensen@tappi.org.