收录属性:ahci(2024版), ssci(2024版), scie(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(知网),英文期刊,
投稿方向:history & philosophy of science科学史与科学哲学
出版周期:年3期 地区:荷兰
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1875-1342/EISSN 1875-1350
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Queries related to journal publishing should be sent to Sarah Shokouhbeen (sarah.shokouhbeen@springernature.com).
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Instructions for Authors
The journal publishes articles in English. Submitted manuscripts should be in correct language and in good academic style. Submitted articles should have integrity in being written following either British or American English throughout. It is the author’s responsibility to organize additional language editing by a native speaker and/or professional language editor if needed.
Manuscript Submission
Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.
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Article Types
Original research (9,000):
An original research article is a full-length, original document that reports results of major value in the field of biosemiotics addressed to the audience of biosemioticians, theoretically-oriented biologists, semioticians, and philosophers etc. interested in sign processing in living systems. Manuscripts should be structured as follows. The title page should include journal name, title of the paper, author’s names, their affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author (address, phone, fax, and email). Abstract (150-250 words) and up to 6 keywords. Introduction. Article text divided into subsections as appropriate. Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References. Figure captions. Tables. Figures and artwork should be submitted separately, check acceptable formats with Springer manual.
Short communication (3,000):
A short communication is a short original article which presents new research or analysis of existing data and/or concepts in biosemiotics. Title page as described above, abstract 100 words, keywords, maximum 30 references.
Review article (9,000):
A review article organizes, clarifies, and summarizes existing major works in a specific area (biosemiotics and related fields) and provides comprehensive citations to the full spectrum of relevant literature. Title page as described above. Abstract (150- 250 words) and keywords. Introduction. Article text divided into subsections as appropriate. Conclusions. Acknowledgements. References. Figure captions, tables (if appropriate, figures and artwork should be submitted separately, check acceptable formats with Springer manual).
Perspective (1,500):
A point of view text is a short article that critically addresses specific results or data provided in a published research paper, or discusses trends in biosemiotics research, or presents a summary of a scientific meeting. Requires discussion with the editor before submission. Title page as described above, no abstract, maximum 10 references.
Book review (3,000):
A book review article discusses and summarizes a published book (or several books) and provides recommendations for readers. Title page as described above, no abstract, maximum 30 references.
Editorial (3,000):
An editorial is an article, usually written by the journal editor, that describes or introduces the content of a regular issue of the journal or a special issue, or that relates to the workings or practices of the Biosemiotics journal (BISE). Title page as described above, no abstract, maximum 30 references.
Historical essay (5,000):
A historical essay describes and analyzes existing major activities related to biosemiotics in specific research areas, geographic regions, or biographies of people contributing to biosemiotics. A historical essay provides comprehensive citations to the full spectrum of relevant literature. Requires discussion with the editor before submission. Title page as described above, abstract 150-250 words.