藏学与喜马拉雅研究学报(英文)(Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies)(国际期刊)(可邮箱投稿)

《藏学与喜马拉雅研究学报(英文)》(Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies)(半年刊),杂志于2016年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,目前国内外首家,也是唯一一家以海外藏学及喜马拉雅研究为主要关注对象的国际性学术刊物。由陕西省(高校)哲学社会科学重点研究基地国外藏学研究中心主办,由王启龙教授与哈佛大学范德康教授(Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp)共同主编,由美国Boston Bilingual Media & Publishing Inc. USA.出版社出版,为半年刊,2022年本刊入选中国人文社会科学AMI“入库外文期刊”,这是AMI首次收录纯ISSN号外文刊物。本刊设有学术论文、书评等栏目,以英文稿件为主,兼收法文、德文等西文稿件,以展示国内外学界有关藏学的最新原创性研究成果为主要宗旨,内容涉及藏族历史、语言、考古、地理、宗教以及藏学学术史等。


藏学与喜马拉雅研究学报(英文)(Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies)(国际刊号)


出版周期:半年刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2469-780X




Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies 简介


发布于 2023-03-25

Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies(简称JTHS)创刊于2016年,目前国内外首家,也是唯一一家以海外藏学及喜马拉雅研究为主要关注对象的国际性学术刊物。由陕西省(高校)哲学社会科学重点研究基地国外藏学研究中心主办,由王启龙教授与哈佛大学范德康教授(Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp)共同主编,由美国Boston Bilingual Media & Publishing Inc. USA.出版社出版,为半年刊,自2016年创刊迄今已经连续出版7卷共11期,其中涵括“西文藏学论著索引”专刊2卷。2022年本刊入选中国人文社会科学AMI“入库外文期刊”,这是AMI首次收录纯ISSN号外文刊物。


Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies投稿指南


The Journal of Tibetan and Himalayan Studies is a new peer-reviewed academic journal of international scope, which is edited at ShaanxiNormal University in Xi'an, China, and is published by the Boston Bilingual Media & Publishing Inc. It is a biannual journal with an independent ISSN number (ISSN 2469-780X) granted by US ISSN Center, USA. The Journal covers the reach and range of the humanities and interpretive social sciences that have to do with the cultures of the Tibetan and Himalayan regions.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal must follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Manuscripts that do not do so cannot be considered for publication. They should be submitted through e-mail attachments to himalaya11@163.com and there is no rigid limit of the length of the articles, provided that they are not more than 50 pages. All contributions should contain an abstract and keywords. Aside from articles, the Journal will also publish book reviews.

All the contributions should follow the following transcription/transliteration of the relevant languages:

Chinese: The hanyu pinyin system

Tibetan: T. Wylie, “A Standard System of Tibetan Transcription,”HJAS 22 (1959). In the case of Tibetan འ , [va] should be used to replace Wylie [']. Thus, instead of 'gyur, one should write vgyur.

Sanskrit: The system described in W. D. Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, Cambridge, 1931.

Manchu: The Mőllendorff system, in P. G. von M Mőllendorff, A Manchu Grammar, Shanghai, 1892, and in Jerry Norman, A Concise Manchu-English Lexicon, Seattle, 1978.

Mongolian: The system found in A. Mostart, Dictionaire ordos, III,“Index des mots du Mongol Žcrit et du mongol ancient,” Peiping, 1944,and in Nicholas Poppe, Grammar of Written Mongolian, Wiesbaden, 1954.

Korean: The MacCune-Reischauer system, “The Romanization of the Korean Language,” Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 29 (Seoul, 1939): 1-55; 38 (1961): 121-128.

Japanese: The Rōmaji system in Kenkyūsha, New Japanese-English Dictionary, 5th ed., Tokyo, 1980.

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