出版周期:季刊 级别:国际刊号
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2634-1573
IET Blockchain期刊简介
IET Blockchain是IET期刊家族的新成员,是全球首个聚焦区块链及其应用领域前沿、高质量研究的期刊,您将在IET Blockchain中看到区块链技术的基础研究成果、前沿技术、最新发展和新兴应用。
期待在全球研究人员的努力和贡献下,IET Blockchain可以成为发表前沿研究和最新成果的平台,通过展现和交流区块链技术的基础研究成果、前沿技术、最新发展和新兴应用,来推动区块链技术多学科、无边界的数字创新。
刘儿兀,同济大学教授,博士生导师,英国工程与技术学会会士(IET Fellow),ACM高级会员,IEEE高级会员,CCF杰出会员。从事定位导航、人工智能、区块链及物联网研究。曾工作于阿尔卡特朗讯公司、英国帝国理工学院等。
刘儿兀教授是IEEE ACCESS、IEEE Communications Letters、《中国通信》英文版等国内外多个期刊的编委或客座主编。是中国位置服务产业联盟(筹)专家委员会主席,IEEE区块链中国区建设的负责人,IEEE区块链上海工作组主席。发表90多篇论文、40多项专利以及参与制定IEEE P2418、IEEE 802.16等多个国际标准。
MyT. Thai
My T. Thai博士是佛罗里达大学计算机与信息科学与工程研究基金会的教授,也是佛罗里达大学Nelms互联世界研究所的副所长,IEEE Fellow。她在十亿级数据挖掘、机器学习和优化方面拥有丰富的专业知识,特别是对于应用于区块链、社交媒体、关键网络基础设施、网络安全和医疗保健的复杂图数据。My T. Thai博士已经出版了7本专著,发表了220多篇期刊和会议文章,获得2014 IEEE MSN Best Paper Award、2017 IEEE ICDM Best Papers Award和2018 IEEE/ACM ASONAM Best Paper Runner Up。My T. Thai博士同时担任Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO)的主编。
IET Blockchain aims to publish high quality research papers focusing on the latest advances in blockchain and its applications. The journal reports fundamental research results, cutting-edge technologies, latest developments and emerging applications of the blockchain technology.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following domains:
Blockchain architectures, models, and protocols
Decentralised Applications (DAPPs)
Smart Contracts
Scalability, interoperability and fault tolerance mechanisms
Consensus algorithms
Decentralised algorithms
Encryption algorithms
Security, privacy, identity, anonymity, trust, confidentiality, and forensics
Robustness, reliability, efficiency, and fairness issues
Accountability, information disclosure and integrity issues
Authentication and authorization
Blockchain-based crowdsourcing and crowdsensing
Blockchain-based network architectures
Performance evaluation, analysis and optimization
Blockchain + Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain + Data Science
Blockchain + Network Science
Blockchain + Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing
Blockchain + Internet of Things (IoT)/Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
Languages for Blockchain development
Blockchain tools, platforms, methods, and workflows
Blockchain applications, services, and standards: energy; healthcare; banking; digital currencies; sharing economy; finance/fintech; insurance; supply chain; commerce; logistics; transportation; agriculture; environment; media production; knowledge and innovation management; education; gaming; accessibility; industrial blockchains; digital government; smart cities; digital twin; wireless, vehicular, ad hoc, and mobile communication networks
Regulation and law enforcement in blockchain technologies
Socio-economic implications of blockchain technology
Challenges and trends
作者指南Author Guidelines
1. Open Access
All IET journals are Gold Open Access titles. Submissions will be subject to an APC if accepted and published in the journal. You can read more about APCs and whether you may be eligible for waivers or discounts, through your institution, funder, or a country waiver.
APCs for this journal are currently waived.
There is no charge for submitting to IET journals.
2. Article Types
The following article types are included in IET Blockchain:
Original Research Paper
Report of original research findings and data.
Critically examines the body of research on a particular subject and give insights/informed opinions on the direction and future of the research field.
Case Study
Report on a specific instance of an interesting or particular phenomenon or instance related to research areas covered by a journal’s scope.
Industry Article
A report from industrial-based scientists undertaking R&D on a new technology, application or technique which may facilitate future product development.
Critique of a paper published in the journal to which you are submitting. The authors of the paper that is being critiqued may also opt to write a Reply.
Less formal in tone and style than a research or review article, expressing personal views of the author on a particular subject or theme. These are generally by invitation only.
Perspectives discuss one or a cluster of recently published papers, or a specific technique or application relevant to the journal’s scope. It should include a discussion of the outlook, challenges, and opportunities.
Perspectives are not like research articles – research articles describe novel findings that have been found as a result of research. A perspective is more like a review paper, however, it differs from a review paper because reviews look widely at the current state of knowledge, how it has changed and what the challenges are whereas a perspective takes a narrower focus, e.g. on a single paper or technique. By invitation only.