岭南心血管病杂志(英文版)(South China Journal of Cardiology)(可邮箱投稿)

《岭南心血管病杂志(英文版)》(South China Journal of Cardiology)(季刊)杂志于2000年创办,经新闻出版总署批准的正规刊物,是由广东省心血管病研究所主办的心血管专业英文期刊。本刊设有论著、专题讲座、综述、科研成果、临床经验,国内外有关心血管病新进展,国内期刊文献等栏目。本刊对从事心血管疾病防治的医务人员和各级医药卫生人员有很大的参考价值,是不可缺少的刊物。




出版周期:季刊 级别:省级期刊
中国国内刊号:CN 44-1512/R
国际标准刊号:ISSN 1009-8933





South China Journal of Cardiology publishes peer-reviewed articles on cardiovascular disease, including original studies, experimental investigation, review articles and letters. Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication and should not have been publish elsewhere in substaneous similar form. The letter of submission must be affirmed. A transfer of copyright form to be signed by all authors to the South China Journal of Cardiology should accompany all submitted articles. The journal will be quarterly published. Manuscripts are welcome from anywhere in the world.

Submission Methods

Manuscripts can be submitted to the Editorial Office: South China Journal of Cardiology, 96 Dong Chuan Road, Guangzhou 510100, China or E-mail:scjoc@163.com

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be submitted in English in triplicate (one original and two copies) and typed double-spaced on A4 size white bone paper. This applies to all parts of the manuscript, i.e. references, legends, etc. Liberal margins should be left at the top and bottom, as well as the sides. Except for editorials, images/ECG and letters, all manuscript should be submitted in the following order: Title, Abstract, Text, References, Tables, Legends, and Figures. Each paper, beginning with the summary, should also include the senior author’s surname typed on the upper, left-hand corner. The author should not make any changes in the proofs except for corrections of editorial errors, if any, and/or evaluate or comment about the products of a competitor. A commercial name should not be part of a manuscript title. Finally, authors should make no claims of priority manuscripts.

Title Page

Include full name(s), degree(s) and affiliation(s) of authors(s); list under file.

Name of authors should begin with the family name (in capital letters) and then the first name (first letter in capital letter, others in small letters, combine each spelling with dash). Fill the names in Chinese in the sign of aggregation, if the authors have Chinese namese. Only all those with significant contribution to the article should be included.

Give a running title of 3 to 6 words.

At the bottom of the page, include information of author’s hospital names, corresponding author’s name, and E-mail. about grant, if applicable.

Add:”Address for reprint:..”, followed by full name, address, E-mail, telephone and fax numbers.


Abstract should be after title page and numbered page 1.

The abstract should be structured: background, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

It should not exceed 250 words for major articles; case reports should have abstracts of no more than 100 words.

At the end of the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 key words suitable for indexing.

Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be explained when they first appear; after first use, abbreviations alone may be used.

Standard abbreviations should be used for all measurements (SI units).

SI Units should be used with standard abbreviations (e.g. m, kg etc.)


The text should follow the abstract and begin on a new page, as should References, Tables, and Legends.

Abbreviations not defined in the abstract should be explained when they first appear in the text.

References should be cited in numerical order, as should tables and figures.


Number in the order in which they appear in the text.

Abbreviate titles of periodicals according to the style of the Index Medicus.

Use the following style and punctuation for referenced.

Follow the format (arrangement, punctuation) shown below:


1.Lewis T.Paroxysmal tachycardia. Heart 1909; 1:43-72.(if more than three authors, please use “et al.” after the third)

Books(edited by other authors of article)

2.Braunwald E. The history. In Zipes D, Libby P, Bonow R O, et al(ed). Braunwald’s Heart Disease, A Textbook of cardiovascular Medicine, Seventh Edition. Philadephia, Pennsylvania, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, Ch. 7, P. 63-76

Books (identical author and editor)

3.Chung EK. Principles of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Baltimore, MD, Williams & Wilkins, 1977, pp. 97-188.


Tables should supplement, but not duplicate the text.

Tables should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text.

Each table must be given an Arabic number and a title, placed at the top of the page.

Abbreviations used in the table should be foot-noted and explained in the order in which they appear in the table, if they have not been previously used.

Any material which is not self-explanatory should be foot-noted as well.


Be sure that legends and figures correspond.

Identify all abbreviation used in a figure at the end of each legend, if the abbreviation has not been used in the text.

Be sure abbreviations used for measurements are standard SI unit.


Submit either 3 black and white glossy prints or 2 prints and one photocopy, preferably of 13 cm × 18 cm (5” × 7”) size.

Digital version of figures with good resolution are preferred (format: JPEG, GIF, TIFF).

If digital figures not available, submit 3 black and white glossy prints preferably of 325px×450px (5"×7") size. On the back of each figure, indicate number, senior author’s surname. Top of illustration; all of this should be written lightly with soft, black pencil.

Submit written permission from publisher(s) for any figure which has been published previously.

Any lettering or scale of measurement used in an illustration must be large enough to be legible in the event of half-size reduction.

Do not send original art-work, X-ray, or ECGs.

Photographs in which a patient or other person is identifiable must have written permission from that person. The consent must state specifically what the person is consenting to and what restrictions, if any, the person has placed upon the publication of the photograph. All restrictions must be strictly observed.

Color illustrations are costly and will be charged to the author.

Authors should inquire about cost from the publisher before submitting a color illustration.


Published studies on human subjects should indicate the nature of consent and the approval of the institutional ethics committee if deemed appropriate. In case of animal experiments, ethical approval must be en closed.

The author is responsible for all material presented in a paper. The journal disclaims all responsibility for such material. No product or service advertised in this publication is guaranteed or warranted either by the Editors or publisher. Neither the Editors nor publisher guarantee any claim made by a manufacturer or an author in regard to a product or service. If a trademark item is named, the name(s) and address(es) of the manufacturer(s) or supplier(s), in addition to the generic name, should be foot-noted.

Reprints are available. Ordering information can be obtained from the above address.


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