




出版周期:双月刊 级别:国级期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2766-8525;EISSN 2688-819X








电话:022-27400281 邮箱:smartmat@tju.edu.cn



Author Guidelines


Thanks for your kind interest in SmartMat. The submissions have to consist of the contents that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of conferences or symposiums.

The submission system will prompt you to use an ORCID ID (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish your work from that of other researchers as well as develop your personal profile in a worldwide platform.

All the submissions will be performed and processed using ScholarOne online submission system.

A cover letter should be included in the ‘Cover Letter Field’ of the ScholarOne system. The text can be entered directly into the field or uploaded as a file.

The cover letter must contain:

A statement confirming the paper has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium.

An acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly and in keeping with the latest guidelines of the International Committee of the Journal Editors, each author’s contribution to the paper is to be described, i.e., what role each author participated in.

A statement confirming that all authors are in agreement with the content of manuscript.

In addition, the authors should state clearly the motivation and the novelty of their research in the cover letter. The author also needs to clarify the key results and the advances compared to previous work of their manuscripts.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/smartmat.


SmartMat, a flagship open access journal, is launched under the auspices of Wiley and Tianjin University. It aims at addressing the growing scientific interests in developing intelligent materials that can change significantly in a controlled fashion to external stimuli across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering.

The scope of SmartMat is intentionally broad that includes the topics such as functional polymers, 2D materials, biomimetic robotics, electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids, AI and neuromorphic devices and systems, self-healing materials, piezoelectric materials, thermoelectric materials, artificial muscles, functional biological materials, bioimaging, biotherapy, sensing, memory device, energy materials, optical materials, electronic materials, catalysis, etc.

Readership will include materials scientists, engineers, chemists, physicists, energy researchers, environmental and analytical scientists from academia and industry as well as the policy makers.

SmartMat is expected to make a mark in the field of materials science with ambitions of a high academic impact.


(1) Research Articles

Description: The reports of original studies within the journal scope of SmartMat. Both communication and full paper can be published under this article type.

Word Limit: No strict word limits, however, it is better to be within 5,000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.

Abstract: Within 260 words, briefly describe the contents of the research article.

References: No word limits, but the American Medical Association (AMA) system of referencing should be used (see AMA Manual of Style for details).

Figures/tables: No number limits, but 10 figures should be sufficient. The tables and figures should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as described here.

Keywords: Please provide 3-6 keywords to highlight the main involving subjects of the article.

(2) Reviews

Description: Reviews are comprehensive analyses of a specific topic. They can be submitted either by the invitations from the Editors or by the authors themselves; Both types will undergo the peer-review process prior to acceptance.

Word Limit: No strict word limits, however, it is better to be within 8,000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.

Abstract: Within 260 words, briefly describe the contents of the review article.

References: No word limits. but the American Medical Association (AMA) system of referencing should be used (see AMA Manual of Style for details)

Figures/tables: Minimum 1 table/figure in the review article. The tables and figures should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as described here.

Keywords: Please provide 3-6 keywords to highlight the main involving subjects of the article.

Biography: Please provide the first (or co-first) and corresponding authors' biographies. The biographies should include photographs, which are 600 dpi at minimum, and 40 mm broad, 50 mm high. It is recommended to keep this biography list as short as possible.

(3) Perspectives

Description: Perspectives are a forum for authors to discuss ideas and models from a personal viewpoint. They are more forward looking and/or speculative than Reviews. Perspectives can be submitted either by the invitations from the Editors or by the authors themselves; Both types will undergo the peer-review process prior to acceptance.

Word Limit: No strict word limits, however, it is better to be within 8,000 words including abstract but excluding references, tables and figures.

Abstract: Within 260 words, briefly describe the contents of the review article.

References: No word limits. but the American Medical Association (AMA) system of referencing should be used (see AMA Manual of Style for details)

Figures/tables: Minimum 1 table/figure in the review article. The tables and figures should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as described here.

Keywords: Please provide 3-6 keywords to highlight the main involving subjects of the article.

Biography: Please provide the first (or co-first) and corresponding authors' biographies. The biographies should include photographs, which are 600 dpi at minimum, and 40 mm broad, 50 mm high. It is recommended to keep this biography list as short as possible.

(4) Guest Editorials [only invited by Editors]

Description: It is written by Editorial Board members, invited authors or editors.

Word Limit: 1,000 words maximum.

Abstract: Not required.

Figures/tables: Maximum 2 figure/tables. The figure/tables should be submitted together with the main text of the article, and they should be properly prepared and numbered as described here.

References: Maximum 5 references. The American Medical Association (AMA) system of referencing should be used (see AMA Manual of Style for details).

Keywords: Not required.




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