材料研究述评(英文)(Accounts of Materials Research)(可官网投稿)

《材料研究述评(英文)》(Accounts of Materials Research)(月刊),2020年10月创刊,是上海科技大学主办的首个国际学术期刊,2021年5月被ESCI收录。2020年获“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目”支持,主要发表简明扼要的评论性综述文章,概述材料科学和工程各领域的基础和应用研究——这些综述聚焦于作者自己的研究,旨在向读者介绍系统的研究工作;也发表前瞻性观点。


材料研究述评(英文)(Accounts of Materials Research)


出版周期:月刊 级别:省级期刊





















《材料研究述评》(Accounts of Materials Research,AMR)是上海科技大学主办的首个国际学术期刊,2020年10月创刊(月刊),2021年5月被ESCI收录。为方便读者进一步了解AMR刊出的材料科学与工程优秀研究成果,AMR编辑部推出“《材料研究述评》封面图文集锦”,通过科学与视觉设计的交融促进学术交流。首期集锦介绍AMR创刊以来出版的9期的封面文章,这些文章聚焦催化材料、金属材料、有机半导体、二维材料、液滴超控材料以及水处理材料。


由上海科技大学主办、上海科技大学与美国化学会共同出版的AMR于2020年获“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目”支持,主要发表简明扼要的评论性综述文章,概述材料科学和工程各领域的基础和应用研究——这些综述聚焦于作者自己的研究,旨在向读者介绍系统的研究工作;也发表前瞻性观点。AMR致力于促进材料领域内不同分支的交融、助力全球材料科学与工程的发展和材料人的成长,与美国化学会综述期刊Accounts of Chemical Research和Chemical Reviews一起组成新的高影响力综述期刊平台。期刊免费开放阅读至2021年底。



Author Guidelines

Preliminary Approval Of Articles

Manuscripts are submitted in response to an invitation, which may come at the advice of the editorial board or in response to an author’s proposal. Authors wishing to submit a proposal for an article or a viewpoint should follow the instructions given in detail below. Proposals will be reviewed by the editorial board, who may consult the editorial advisory board or other experts, and final decisions regarding a subsequent invitation to submit will be forwarded by the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial board will not consider proposals from authors whose work has been recently highlighted in the journal (typically, the past two years), except under special circumstances. Key to a successful proposal is a convincing statement that addresses the following questions: Why this topic? Why these authors? Why now?

When responding to an invitation, authors should closely follow the instructions presented in the Preparation of Manuscripts section below to expedite the review and publication of their work. Each submission must include the author’s postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.

All manuscripts, whether specifically solicited by the Editor-in-Chief or invited in response to a proposal, are sent to competent readers for criticism both of scientific content and of readability.

Scope Of The Journal

Accounts of Materials Research is a journal of concise articles describing recent research developments in materials science and engineering. Each Account is directed not only to specialists in the field but also to a broad range of scientists who wish to keep abreast of the best current research in fields other than their own. Readability by the non-expert is therefore essential. Most manuscripts are submitted after invitation by the Editor-in-Chief, but unsolicited proposals, which may result in an invitation to submit a manuscript, are also considered.

Materials research is diverse and inclusive by nature. We believe in the strength of diversity in all its forms because inclusion of and respect for diverse people, experiences, and ideas lead to superior materials solutions to societal challenges and advancement of materials research itself globally.

Manuscript Types


A typical Account discusses a topic of intense interest to the author and focuses primarily on the author’s own experimental or theoretical results. Unpublished data may be included, but only to a minor extent. Articles should present salient experimental discoveries and theoretical results, interpret their significance, establish perspective with respect to earlier work and to contemporary research by other investigators, evaluate the present state of the subject, and cast a glance to the future.

A good introduction, including a historical orientation, is critical. Terms and concepts unique to the research area must be carefully explained or defined. A short section of concluding remarks should discuss the broader significance of the work, view it in perspective, and mention applications or future prospects. Accounts looks with favor on styles of presentation somewhat less formal than those that prevail in much scientific writing. Comprehensive reviews do not fall within the mission of Accounts.


Viewpoints examine critically a question of current interest and draw new generalizations or new perspectives from the evidence. These brief non-peer reviewed opinions include theoretical implications, mechanistic interpretation, significance of data, or definitive experiments and should not be laudatory or for establishing priority. Controversial viewpoints are welcome, as are ones expressing opinions contrasting with those in published Accounts. Viewpoints are substantially shorter than articles. The author should be an expert in the field.

ACS Publishing Center

While this document will provide basic information on how to prepare and submit the manuscript as well as other critical information about publishing, we also encourage authors to visit the ACS Publishing Center for additional information on everything that is needed to prepare (and review) manuscripts for ACS journals and partner journals, such as

Mastering the Art of Scientific Publication, which shares editor tips about a variety of topics including making your paper scientifically effective, preparing excellent graphics, and writing cover letters.

Resources on how to prepare and submit a manuscript to ACS Paragon Plus, ACS Publications’ manuscript submission and peer review environment, including details on selecting the applicable Journal Publishing Agreement.

Sharing your research with the public through the ACS Publications open access program.

ACS Reviewer Lab, a free online course covering best practices for peer review and related ethical considerations.

Manuscript Preparation

Submit with Fast Format

All ACS journals and partner journals have simplified their formatting requirements in favor of a streamlined and standardized format for an initial manuscript submission. Read more about the requirements and the benefits these serves authors and reviewers here.

Manuscripts submitted for initial consideration must adhere to these standards:

Submissions must be complete with clearly identified standard sections used to report original research, free of annotations or highlights, and include all numbered and labeled components.

Figures, charts, tables, schemes, and equations should be embedded in the text at the point of relevance. Separate graphics can be supplied later at revision, if necessary.

A two-column manuscript template is available and can be used for manuscripts submitted to any ACS journal or partner journal. Templates are not required but may be useful to approximate how an article will compose. For manuscripts with word count limits, authors are not required to fit content into a page limit based on the template.

References can be provided in any style, but they must be complete, including titles. For information about the required components of different reference types, please refer to the ACS Style Quick Guide.

Supporting Information should be submitted as a separate file(s).





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