无人系统(英文)(Unmanned Systems)(可网站投稿)

《无人系统(英文)》(Unmanned Systems)(季刊),由工业和信息化部主管,北京理工大学出版社与新加坡世界科技出版社(World Scientific)联合出版发行。发表文章类型包括:研究类文章、综述类文章、短通讯等。本刊聚焦无人系统研究领域科技前沿,重点展示无人系统及其相关交叉学科的理论研究成果、技术创新和学术见解,聚焦领域包括但不限于:无人硬件平台(如空中、地面、水下及非常规平台);无人软件系统;能源系统;建模与控制;通讯系统;计算机视图;传感与信息处理;导航与路径规划;计算;信息融合;多智能体系统;任务管理;机器智能、人工智能与创新应用案例分析研究。

本刊特点:CSCD核心期刊(2023-2024),高质量科技期刊(T3), 科技核心期刊(2024自然科学),目次收录(知网),外文期刊,

无人系统(英文)(Unmanned Systems)


出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2301-3850;EISSN 2301-3869




Unmanned Systems (无人系统)简介


Unmanned Systems (无人系统)期刊由中国工程院院士、北京理工大学/同济大学教授陈杰担任总主编,香港中文大学教授Ben M. Chen,新加坡南洋理工大学教授Lihua Xie担任联合主编。本刊由工业和信息化部主管,北京理工大学主办,北京理工大学出版社与新加坡世界科技出版社(World Scientific)联合出版发行。国际标准期刊号为e-ISSN: 2301-3869, p-ISSN : 2301-3850;国内统一连续出版物号为CN10-1779/TP。


Unmanned Systems (无人系统)以创办无人系统研究领域的一流国际科技期刊,促进跨学科技术领域的深度融合,打造无人系统领域一流的学术交流平台为发展愿景。


Unmanned Systems (无人系统)发表文章类型包括:研究类文章、综述类文章、短通讯等。




Unmanned Systems (无人系统) 入选2019年度“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊”项目,并陆续被美国科睿唯安新兴资源引文索引数据库(Emerging Sources Citation Index,ESCI)、美国工程索引数据库(Engineering Index,EI)、荷兰爱思唯尔出版集团科研检索分析和学科规划管理数据库(Scopus)、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)等国内外索引数据库检索。





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Submission Guidelines

US welcomes original manuscripts in the following categories:

Research papers, which disseminate scientific findings contributing to solving technical issues underlying the development of unmanned systems;

Review articles and state-of-the-art surveys, which describe, in non-technical terms, the latest in base theories, principles, and innovative solutions and applications;

Short articles/Letters, which discuss the latest significant achievements and future trends; and book reviews.

Special issues related to the topics of US are also welcome. A short proposal should be sent to the Editors-in-Chief. It should include a tentative title; the information of the Guest Editor(s); purpose and scope; possible contributors; and a tentative timetable. If the proposal is accepted, the Guest Editor(s) will be responsible for the special issue and should follow the normal US review process. Copies of the reviewed papers and the reviewers' comments should be given to the Editors-in-Chief for recording purposes.

All submissions to US are handled electronically. Manuscripts should be submitted online via Editorial Manager (EM), a fully web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system. Upon submission, authors should specify to which section the paper belongs. If you are submitting via this new system for the first time, you will first be required to register. From the account you create, you will be able to monitor your submission and make subsequent submissions.

There are no page charges for submissions to US. The first-named or corresponding author of each accepted paper will receive, free of charge, a PDF of the final article.

Terms of submission:

Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been published and is not being considered for publication in another journal.

Hardcopy submissions or submissions via email to the managing editors are not encouraged and will only be accepted when the online submission system is disrupted.

Any manuscript, which does not conform to the instructions, may be returned to authors for revision before publication.

Once a paper has been accepted for publication in this journal, the author is assumed to have transferred the copyright to World Scientific Publishing Co.

All submitted papers will be acknowledged and refereed.

Manuscripts are to be prepared according to the instructions provided. Authors are encouraged to use Latex2e to typeset their contributions using the journal's style/template document; otherwise, Microsoft Word is acceptable. Editorial Manager allows submission of source files at the submission stage. Papers may also be submitted in the form of a single .PDF or .PS file with fully embedded graphics (of a minimal resolution for the purposes of evaluation).

Authors who wish to have their profiles included at the end of their papers must provide write ups and photographs for all named authors of the paper. The journal and editors-in-chief reserve the right to remove authors' profiles from papers that do not comply with this policy.

World Scientific encourages authors for whom English is not their first language to seek assistance from a fluent English speaker prior to submission. Alternatively, authors may contact organisations like Language Edit for assistance. This makes it easier for the editors and reviewers to check your manuscript. World Scientific reserves the right to return manuscripts written in poor English without review.

Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in:

Latex2e (readme / Download)

MS-Word (ZIP files) (readme / Download)

Illustrations and Images:

Please prepare all line drawings, halftones (grayscale) and colored illustrations in high resolution according to the following guidelines.

Detailed requirements for illustrations:

600 dpi for line drawings (black and white).

300 dpi for halftones (gray scale). Do not convert from color images as they reproduce very poorly.

300 dpi for color images. Must be in CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) for color separation. RGB (Red, Green and Blue) is unacceptable for color separation work.

Ensure all labels/annotations are sharp and clear for reproduction. Easy-to-read typeface/font like Arial, Helvetica or Times Roman are recommended for the labels.

To provide softcopy of the illustrations in either eps, ps, tif, jpg, gif or bmp format, preferable on a PC platform. All illustrations should be embedded in the text. At the same time provide the illustration, example, John-fig1.eps, Hogn-fig2.eps, or John-fig1.tif, John-fig2.tif.

If soft copies are not available, authors are requested to submit good original glossy prints for clear reproduction. Figure number must be clearly labeled on the back and preferably indicate which side of the figure is the top by using an arrow pointing upwards.

Video Submissions

Authors are welcome to submit videos related to their research as supplementary material for their papers. Authors submitting video files must agree to these videos being freely assessable to all, as well as to having them hosted on publicly accessible platforms such as YouTube. Authors are also required to submit a suggested Title and Description for these videos.

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