中国电工技术学会电机与系统学报(英文)(CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems)(可网站投稿)

《中国电工技术学会电机与系统学报(英文)》(CES Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems)(季刊),由中国电工技术学会、中国科学院电工研究所主办。涵盖与电机和系统相关的广泛主题,包括但不限于:高性能电机设计、实施和集成;风力发电;电机驱动;可靠性和故障诊断;电力电子及其应用;磁场分析;高效能量转换;新材料应用;运动控制和伺服系统;电磁兼容性;光伏发电;交通电气化。

本刊特点:CSCD核心期刊(2023-2024),高质量科技期刊(T2),高质量科技期刊(T3),EI 中国期刊(2024版), 科技核心期刊(2024自然科学),维普收录,万方收录,知网收录,外文期刊,



出版周期:季刊 级别:核心期刊
国际标准刊号:ISSN 2096-3564






Information for authors


CES TEMS aims to establish a high-end academic communication platform to present the latest R & D achievements in the fields of electrical machines and systems in a timely fashion, and to attract the relevant researchers and professionals from all over the world to exchange technical information and experiences. And the Journal will publish original peer-reviewed technical and review articles covering a broad range of topics related to electrical machines and systems, including but not limited to: design, implementation and integration of

high performance electric machines

motor drives

power electronics and its applications

efficient energy conversion

motion control and servo systems

photovoltaic power generation

wind power

reliability and fault diagnosis

magnetic field analysis

new material applications

electromagnetic compatibility

electrification of transportation

Types of papers

Original research papers

Review articles, which summarize the most up-to-date achievements on a particular topic, and provide foresight concerning future trends

Rapid communications which reporting the latest findings or advances which are deemed to be of significant importance.

All submitted papers must be clearly written in excellent English and contain original work, which has not been published by or is currently under review for any other journal or transaction or conference.

Paper Preparation

Please download the Templates at for preparing the papers. Information is given regarding desktop publishing format, type sizes, typefaces, and how to handle equations, units, figures, tables, references, abbreviations, and acronyms, etc. The preparation of acknowledgments, references, and author’s biographies also are included. An example of the desired layout for papers is provided as a Microsoft Word template.

The final length of the paper should be kept within eight pages when you submit to CES TEMS. Please note that for each submission, if a paper becomes longer than eight pages after review, it will be subject to mandatory page charges.

Submission Information

CES TEMS uses ScholarOne Manuscripts, a professional web-based manuscript submission and peer-review tracking system. An author submits a manuscript by uploading a word processing file (.doc) and a PDF file (.PDF) at or through the Journal’s website online submission, where papers can be accessed by the CES TEMS’s Editors-in-Chief, Editors, and Reviewers.

For the first-time users should create a new account and provide all the information required for a submission. Help is available on the web site, including telephone contacts.

When the author submits a new manuscript, the main document should include all figures, tables, captions, author biographies, photos and references. And the copyright form should be included in the initial submission.

Upon Acceptance

Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the author maybe required to re-upload the Modified Microsoft Word source file of the paper including all figures, tables, captions, author biographies, photos and references.

Open Access

In this publication, all papers will be published as Open Access (OA), and the OA fee will be waived if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. OA publications are freely available online to anyone, which maximizes the visibility, the uptake and use of the work published. All accepted articles will be indexed by IEEE Xplore.

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